Scene 7 - Broken Free For Now

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We cut to see Jasper with his teddy again being told his story by the Doctor. He cuddles his bear tightly.


If Mr Cuddles and I didn't like the food we had, my, my mummy and daddy would make me eat it anyway. They, they say that we should eat what we are given because food is hard to get.


Yes. In times like this, it unfortunately is. You're not like him are you, Jasper. You and Mr Cuddles are sweet and kind, and very respectful people. Would you like to hear the rest of the story?

He excitedly nods yes.

Well, by this point, the various Doctors were beginning to break free from the spell the Toymaker had inflicted on them. They tried to use as much strength as they could to move, but with all their muscles, they all found it very difficult.

We cut to see the set of figures from the Fifth Doctor's era. Doctor 1 is the version who remained trapped that began with. Doctor 2 is the Doctor travelling with Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan. Doctor 3 had the adventure from Mira, and Doctor 4 from Kembel. They woodenly move.

Doctor 4:

Ah. Must move. Must keep going. Must keep going.

Doctor 3:

They haven't quite gotten at us yet, have they?

Doctor 4:

Hello, Doctor. I would humbly shake hands and meet your acquaintance, but now might not be the right time.

Doctor 3:

I quite understand. That's alright, Doctor. I take it that you must be my future. I definitely recognise these other gentlemen trying to move. We... we must keep trying to move. Perhaps we might be able to try and get more of us to break free from this and try to escape.

Doctor 4:

They look pretty solid I think. We could try. But maybe we might have... are you feeling a bit looser?

Doctor 3:

I am. That's a good sign.

The Doctors wince as they begin to feel less wooden and more normal.

Doctor 4:

Ah. That's better. Seems as if we were right about the Toymaker. Whatever he's done to us hasn't quite been totally effective. But we don't know how much longer it will last.

Doctor 3 goes to his Tegan and Nyssa.

Doctor 3:

Do you think we can try and move them?

Doctor 4:

I doubt it. Perhaps by finding exactly what has done this in the first place, we can then reverse it. This isn't your TARDIS, is it?

Doctor 3:

The one on the right is. Not sure about who's on the left.

Doctor 2 arrives.

Doctor 2:

I think you'll find that's mine.

Doctor 3:

Good. Then perhaps we might try to materialise out of here. By sticking here I doubt we will get much done.

Doctor 2:

We can't leave here. I tried that. We're stuck here.

Doctor 1 arrives.

Doctor 1:

Maybe so. But we could first leave this ledge and find another place away from the Toymaker's reach.

Doctor 4:

Then we can find a way to get everyone back to their own time.

The two earlier Fifth Doctors leave in the TARDIS on the left, whereas the later two Doctors leave in the TARDIS on the right.

Doctor 2:

It's funny about you, you know.

Doctor 1:


Doctor 2:

I was just about to say what an exceedingly good-looking fellow you were in your heroes pose.

Doctor 1:

Well thank you, Doctor.

Doctor 2:

My pleasure, Doctor. Whereabouts did they get you? Castrovalva? Urbankans? Deva Loka?

Doctor 1:

About then, yes. This all my future I see. How much I look forward to it.

Doctor 1 accidentally knocks into the figure of Adric, which knocks into the army of Cybermen from Earthshock, which sends them toppling down to the ground! Crashing and breaking more Cybermen! The Doctors stop to see the mess made of knocked over figures on the ledge and on the ground, stunned yet also glad that it could have been them or their friends.

Doctor 2:

Just as well as that was only Cybermen. 

Doctor 1:

That's what happens if you have too much of a collection.

Doctor 2:

Great minds think alike, Doctor. I was about to suggest the same.

Doctor 1:

Quite. When you have too much of a collection stacked up, then something knocks even slightly a figure off balance, they all come tumbling down like dominos.

Doctor 1:

Cybermen might not have emotions. But they'd certainly feel pain if it was inflicted upon them.

Doctor 2:

I'm not too bothered to find out. And Shaun's reaction to the mess is not going to be fun to stay and watch him grizzle.

All four Doctors enter inside their TARDISes. Surprisingly, the TARDISes are both able to dematerialise. We see Steven and Vicki trying to move their limbs and are successful in moving. Their wooden beings become more fluid and natural.


How are you feeling now, Vicki?


Almost there. I think... I think the movement is coming back.


Good. Then we can try and find out what all these figures about the Doctor are about. And that wretched Toymaker. I'd sure like to get my hands on him again.

There is a thumping noise. The boy is coming back, and in a bad mood too!


Sssh. Listen. He's coming back. Act still again.

They freeze again, pretending to be mere figures again...

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