My Love

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*Jackie POV*
Did he really just ask why I was crying? "I thought y-you left me, I didn't want to have scared you away. When I came out here I couldn't find you so I just started crying, I know I'm weak but I just don't want you to hate me." I said with my heart beating faster with every word. "I would never hate you dear. I left because I um, needed to go to the restroom, but I couldn't find it so I was leaving but then you were out here, I didn't even hear you leave" he said with a small smile. I smiled at his smile because it was so gorgeous. "Um, Jackie?" I stared for a little longer trying to make it seem as I was lost in thought and not his eyes. "Uh, yes?" I say suddenly snapping my view back to him. "I said that I was going home now." I let out an involuntary sigh, "okay" I mumbled and got up to walk back inside when he stopped me "I also asked for your number.. so we can walk to school tomorrow of course, considering I live down the street. Only if you'd like" he said sounding nervous. "Sure" I said laughing and looking down, I hate my laugh, and my face when I laugh. "Wait here I'll get some paper." I said and walked inside, after finding the paper I turned and ran into him, okay sure come on in. "Sorry 'bout that" I said and turned back around to write the number as he just laughed. I handed him the piece of paper and walked him out. "Hey do you want me to walk you home?" I asked him even though I didn't feel like it, I really wanted to spend more time with him. "No, the guy walks the girl home you dork. Bye now my love." He said and shut the door quickly. My love? That didn't mean anything, he was just being the sweet person he was. I went upstairs and fell asleep thinking about those 2 words. My. Love. My. Love. Love. Love. Love.

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