Don't Ever Leave Me

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I woke up and I was in my bed, I looked at the clock *6:45am*. I'm going to be late for school. "Mom! Can you give me a ride?" I yelled. Silence. More silence. Okay then, I grabbed my phone and texted David "Hey.. how did I get home?" I set my phone down to take a shower. After getting out and getting dressed. I saw he texted back.
D: My mom brought you back, Jason said you wanted to go home. You're a heavy sleeper lol
Me: Oh okay,
Me: Are you at school yet?
D: Nah, I've been waiting for you.
Me: Really?
D: Yeah, your mom is keeping me company out here though.
Me: Oh lol I'm sorry, I woke up late.
D: Its fine, are you ready though? c:
I set my phone down and rushed to get my books together. My phone started ringing, it was my boyfriend.
Hey babe, are you at school?
No, I-
Are you gonna come
Ill pick you up, love you, bye.
He hung up before I could protest.
I texted him, 'I don't need a ride, thanks though'. I stuffed my phone in my bag and ran downstairs. When I went outside, David's eyes lit up and he rushed over and gave me a hug. "Why hello to you too" I said while laughing. "I missssssed youuu." he whined and let go of me. "Okay lovebirds, do y'all need a ride or are you gonna walk?" my mom interrupted. "Although that is flattering, I'm not her boyfriend, Jason is, and I think we'll walk, school is not that far. It was great talking to you though." With that he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the street. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." I said and pulled my hand back. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" he said pointing to my wrist. "N-no, c'mon." I said and kept walking. Once we got to the school David was crowded by girls and Jason was all over me, his friends still didn't like me. "Hey Jay," I said as he linked his hands in mine and kissed my hand. "Ma'lady." He said and walked me to class. "Ill see you after class, if anybody hurts you, text me." I just nodded and smiled as he walked off. I had this class with David, but we sat opposite sides of each other. "Goodmorning class, Today were going to-" I had already zoned out by then. I was staring out the window thinking about how different my life has been, and its only May. "Hello?" David stood in front of me a long with all the girls in class, except Jason's ex/current girlfriend. "Uh, yes?"I said looking at the group staring at me. "The teacher said we need to do a group project, so I wanted to do it with you." He said and looked at me smiling. "Because you live close, obviously." he added. "Sure" I smiled back at him. All the girls just rolled their eyes and walked to find their own partners.

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