Chapter 3: Echoes of Masquerades

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The night of the party arrived, a spectacle of affluence where the rich gathered, their wealth on full display. Yet, beneath the surface, poverty of spirit lurked, unseen but deeply felt.

Trevor and Andy made their entrance, immediately becoming the cynosure of all eyes. Andy, in a red suit, and Trevor, in white, seemed like a devil and an angel descended upon the event. Yet, both were allergic to the advances of the enamored girls—Andy with his aloofness, Trevor with his dismissive charm.

Andy retreated to a corner, seeking solace in isolation. His mother approached, attempting to bridge the chasm between them. But Andy, tears of anger welling up, implored, "Please leave. I can't risk ruining Sia's birthday." She withdrew, her spirit crushed by his rebuff.

He ordered wine, seeking refuge in its bitter taste. But fate had other plans—a maid, in a moment of clumsiness, spilled the drink on his suit. Her apologies fell on deaf ears as Andy lashed out, his words a mirror of the pain he saw in his mother, not the face of the maid before him.

In a fit of rage, he stripped off his red coat, thrusting it into the maid's hands with a command to clean it. Trevor witnessed the scene, his silence a testament to the complexity of their friendship.

The host of the party, a man brimming with happiness, took the stage. "I invite you all to enjoy yourselves. Today we celebrate my daughter Sia's birthday," he announced. Trevor's response, laden with sarcasm, was a muttered, "Here we go again."

The man made his rounds, greeting each guest with personal attention. When he reached Andy, his disappointment was palpable. "A plain black shirt? Learn from Trevor," he chided. Andy, biting back a retort, instead found Sia and forced a smile.

"You look beautiful in this pink dress, like a Disney princess," he complimented, referencing Sleeping Beauty. Trevor, unable to resist, quipped, "Or the pig from Babe," earning him a flurry of playful hits from Sia.

Andy presented Sia with a necklace, embracing her with a heartfelt "Happy Birthday," before making a hasty exit.

Trevor, unfazed, simply stated, "My presence is your gift." Sia's annoyance was clear.

Later, Trevor gifted her a watch, and they shared a warm hug. Sia's father introduced her to Caesar, a handsome admirer who professed his admiration for her travel blog. Sia, puzzled, clarified that her blog was not meant to be motivational. Caesar, undeterred, continued to praise her, leaving Trevor and Sia exasperated.

As the DJ announced a dance competition, Sia and Caesar joined the revelers. Caesar's attempt to hold her waist was too much for Sia, who feigned defeat to escape his grasp.

Sia spotted Andy alone and invited him to dance, but he declined, disinterested. However, when Trevor took to the dance floor with eccentric moves, Andy couldn't resist the challenge.

The two danced with a ferocity that turned the dance floor into a battlefield, outlasting all others. When the music finally ceased, the DJ declared Trevor the winner. Andy stormed off; his anger unmasked.

Trevor, understanding the situation, took the stage. "Thanks, Dad, but I can't accept this," he said, offering the prize to the DJ. "He danced to your tunes and declared me the winner—that's the best dance anyone could do."

The crowd laughed, but his father's anger was evident. Trevor's mother and sister stood by, silent witnesses to the unfolding drama.

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