Chapter 26:Vacation

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Next morning Trevor sitting casually in his seat but his eyes searching for Emily. ' Where this girl went?  Why is she did not come today?', he thought.

Brody loudly said, ' I think she won't come today'.

 ' I am not checking that munchkin. I am just seeing just like that. ', he replied annoyingly. Brody said ' When did I say about Emily? I am checking about Eleanor. She did not come today'.  Trevor felt embarrassed. Brody gave a know-it-all smile.

Suddenly Mason interrupted everyone to have attention. ' I received all the reports. Among them Trevor gave best report'. All applauded him. 

 But as he gave late, he won't receive full marks. Late Deduction points are there. Sadly, after that as well, he still topped other than all of you. You all need to concentrate on yours rather than these dumb things you do in forums '. 

Trevor thought,' This munchkin submitted it finally. how did Andy give it to her? ',

Mason started lecture. Trevor still thinking about Emily. While Mason leaving class, Brody interrupted him and asked how much he got.

 Mason said, ' How much deduction points Trevor lost that's your score'. Mason shook his head in disappointment and left. Brody opened his mouth in shock expression. ' That... that means I failed', he is about to cry. Trevor pulled him. Brody said, ' No. I want to study. You go.'

' Ok. They just opened a new restaurant nearby. I thought we will go together. Its ok. ', Trevor said. 

Brody, with concerned expression, ' I thought about it a lot. you can't go alone. You might feel scared as it's a new place. I will accompany you. Don't worry'.

 Trevor raised an eyebrow. Brody gave a nervous smile. Trevor laughed it off. He came to Andy's class. He came to know Anna also did not came today. He thought, 'why they both did not came today?' Brody pushed him for lunch, so Trevor left from there.

Anna and Emily got ready. Anna as usual slayed her outfit with black top with black jeans. Emily too looking pretty in white sweatshirt and blue skirt. They went to so many places that includes lavish and roadside places. Everyone says sky and earth can't be together. But seeing them it's like may be in a world, they will confide in one another and will give us beautiful place to live in.

Finally, they reached zoo park. suddenly Andy messaged her, ' Why Anna did not came today? Is she ok?'. Emily saw message and she felt some uneasiness. She replied, 'We came to zoo park as small treat for us in reconciling our friendship'.

Andy thought it's a great opportunity to talk to Anna as this girl not even helping him on it. He came to Zoo Park and met them. Andy only had eyes on Anna.' You look beautiful today' , he said.

Emily asked him, 'How are you feeling now Andy?' He did not even give answer to her sentence.

 Somebody replied, 'When munchkin feeds me then everything would be alright', she understood by that sentence. She sighed and saw Trevor.

She gave a little smile and Anna asked,' How you both know we are here.?'

'I asked Emily and she send me location'. Andy replied. Anna looked angrily at Emily.

' When I am manifesting to know your location, A unknown person showed me path, so I came by it. ', Trevor said with surprising tone.

' Basically, you followed him.', Anna said. Trevor gave a mischievous smile.

Anna dragged Emily and asked her on this. Emily said, 'I just replied casually. I don't know he will actually come here. I need to fulfil his deal anyhow'.

Anna asked annoyed, 'What's the big deal you both had which you are not sharing even with me.'

' I will tell you when time comes. Please bear with him. ', Emily asked requestingly.

' I can somewhat deal with Andy, but that Trevor is so hard to deal with.', Anna said.

' I will handle him. Due to me only, he got some deduction points. So, I am bit—', Emily said with nervous tone.

'Argh... indebted to him. Fine. Only this one time I will bear with them. But you have to stop your overkindness. They are at fault at first place. I am doing to just remove your guilt.', Anna said. Emily smiles at her.

In the meantime, Andy and Trevor giving side eyes to each other. ' Finally, zoo park found its zookeeper.', Andy said.

Trevor replied, ' what to do when I am dealing with animals.'

 Andy annoyed with that word.

They four started seeing animals. Trevor pulled Emily towards him and showing her that it looks like you. She thought he is calling her swan and smiled. He continued, ' See!! it eyes, hands and everything look like you'. She was confused by his statement and saw he was pointing to a sloth. She got angry at him.

Anna said, ' that hippo is like you. It has big mouth like you.' Emily and Anna gave a high-five on that statement. Trevor got annoyed. He looks at Andy and saw Andy watching Anna all the time. So, he started observing him at every instance.

After they visited park, it's almost night. Emily went outside leaving those three. 

Anna said, ' you might fool her but not me. You again coming close to us on motive like you did before. '

Trevor said 'Yes. We have. To make you president to over thinker club'.

Anna annoyed and left to find Emily. Trevor asked, 'what your motive bro?'

'Don't call me bro. I don't have any motive. What do you mean?', Andy asked.

' Are you in here to try to get attention of Anna this whole time. Do you like her?', Trevor asked.'That's not your business.', Andy replied angrily. Anna found Emily in a dark place in park and standing on opposite side facing river. She placed hand on her shoulder.

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