Chapter 25: Reconcile

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In night, when Emily came to dorm, she sees Anna packing her bags. Emily pushes her bags and says she is not leaving her. She became so angry with her. she asked, 'why are you leaving me? I came just because of you. But after coming here, you are leaving me.'

Anna replied,' I am? You are being distant to me. Every time you are being with dumbos. It's like they are more important to you than me. '

Emily said, ' I did not mean to. It's just situations made me that. I tried to explain situations, but you are not even listening to me. '

Anna replied angrily,' I know everything.'

Emily surprisingly asked, ' How?'

'Pooh just explained me everything that Their bags swap and both annoying you and that Andy is not giving you bag. He is asking you for some help—', Anna said.

'Then why are you still angry with me. Are you playing with me thinking I am an idiot like everyone used to play with my emotions or you thought I am annoying and leaving me like my mom left me', Emily said with tears in her eyes.

Anna felt bad and hugs her tight and says, ' Never ever say it. The people who can't handle diamond shine will leave you. You are my everything. I won't leave you even if you left me. '

Emily too hugs her crying out loud.

Anna pats her head and says, 'Now stop crying eggy. You're like a sad movie marathon, but let's switch genres to comedy.'

Emily pulls back from hug and says, ' Don't call me eggy'. Anna smiles at her. Anna stops herself from remembering her about friendship day as it would worsen her situation. But she wants to celebrate it with her tomorrow to compensate that day.

Anna said, ' we are going to take day off and enjoy our reunion.' 

Emily nodded.

Pooh suddenly joined and said,' Can I join?'

' No, ', Emily sighed by Anna sudden answer.

' Ok. I won't join. let us go to convenience store and give me a treat.'

Anna still looked disinterested. By seeing puppy face of pooh and Emily she agreed.They all went convenience store, and she sees Pooh taking all the things including her necessities and Anna shook her head in disparagement.

Anna and Pooh sit in table and Pooh started filling her mouth with food. Emily still shopping.

'Are you a regular customer here?', Anna asked.

' No. this is my second time. Why do you ask?', Pooh tried to say with food splashing from mouth.

Anna with disgusted look,' That shopkeeper greeted you while we enter shop.' She is about to talk but Anna said to talk after completing her food battle.

She sees Emily paying bill and thought, ' how she got this much money. by seeing this qb's food battle, she took lot more than items worth 500 bucks. But uncle gives only 50 bucks to her for monthly allowance'. 

She about to ask but Pooh completes her food and continued, ' when I came here some person stole things from convenience store, so I paid instead of that person.'

' Why do you pay it? It's not your concern. And that thief definitely deserve lesson.', Anna replied.

' he/she looks poor, and they might have some serious financial condition. You know when I am in high school my parents passed away and my elder brother who is 3 years elder than me and I had faced so many struggles and sometimes we did not get food to eat. He stole like this and about to be arrested by police. There a young boy of my age said they are playing prank and said sorry to employee. I could not see his face at that time. He gave money to them and left.

 My brother then decided to get money by working hard and took job and arranging money for me to study. ', she replied remembering about incidents.

' so, you helped just because he might be that boy', Anna replied.

Pooh said,' You got it wrong. I am just trying to help like him. And also, I think she is girl', Pooh said stuffing her mouth again.

'Why do you think she is girl?', Anna asked.

' Because she has hoodie in blue color with our college symbol which only our college girl's wear. She has weird scar under her feet. ', Pooh continued.

'So, she used to buy all groceries by having party tag to it from us. Hmm And also Who it might be?', Anna went into deep thought.

On other hand we see the hoodie on bed and Eleanor stood beside it and thinking about today's incident and worrying about that girl saw her or not. Because she knows it's Pooh, friend of Emily and Anna. 

She was thinking she might reveal everything by now if she knows or might question me in doctor's room. Thinking about it she got relieved. ' Nobody should know I am not rich. Otherwise, I can't face the bullying. From my merit, I got this seat but it's only to get a rich guy and marry him so I would not face these struggles and poor life'. She determined to try hard for Trevor and make him love her.

All three return to dorm. They went into pajamas and Emily again hug her and said ' I missed you. ' She hugged her and said, ' You know I am a vibe you can't shake it off.' Emily laughed at her.

'And even if you are angry never leave me and don't dare to pack bags.', Emily warned her.

Anna smiled and said, 'I am just playing with you. you know'. Anna winked and went to sleep. Emily gave an angry expression and laughed at her prank.

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