Chapter 16: Dilemma

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                       When she is going to the staffroom, a teacher suddenly collided with guys and her records fall to the ground. She helps her by carrying them to the staffroom. She felt happy thinking,' At least somebody in this school knows manners.' Both recognized that they both met at the principal office and Emily remembered that she supported her and Emily smiled at her. 

                      Mason gave her forms and ask her to complete the forms. When he asks for a minor course she is choosing, She at the moment says, 'Content Writing.' By hearing this, the female teacher smiled at her. Cole just now coming to the staffroom, without seeing Emily says,' You know the new girl. That Emily I told you yesterday. that childhood friend of Anna Moore. I saw in the morning, She is scolding Andy for some reason and he did not even talk back. She definitely has some superpowers. Then how can she control three supreme rich people? That Anna Moore, Andy, Trevor. '

                    Saying this Cole started sitting in his chair. He saw Emily sitting beside the seat and was shocked to see her and shouts out of fear. Then he puts on a brave face and says, 'What are you doing here.?' But secretly puts on a weird face like he was found by the police doing a crime.

                   Emily replies,' I am completing the forms.' Handing the forms, she left.

               'Why this happened to me? Will she complain Anna? Haaa.', Cole said with anxiety.

                  'As far as I know, she is a nice kid. And stop fearing for students. You are a teacher. ', Mason replied.

                'But they have power? These so-called students can make me lose my job. You will also fear when you face a situation like this.', Cole said.

                   'If any time comes, I will lose my job happily rather than make a student suffer. This relationship has to have respect towards each other but not fear. If it has, Then the student's life never prospers.', saying this Mason left for another class. The female teacher sees him go with appreciation in her eyes. Cole made an expression knowing it won't happen in reality.

                      Emily, while walking, thought that ' Pff. If I have superpowers, I would turn those two into monkeys. ' She started imagining them with tails and making animal sounds. She starts laughing imagining this. She directly bumped straight into Trevor. She gave a smirk and ignored him just like she did not see him and started moving across it.

                         When she is moving, He calls her Meera many times. 'Stop calling me by that name', Emily said in irritated voice. He smirked. 

  In a part-time job, she came across Sia's birthday event, and she wanted to be a waitress for that day as it could give her more money as it is rich class event. she is the same person who is serving Andy at that time. she accidentally spills drink on him, and he throw coat to clean up. He did not even see her as he is so busy in looking at her mother. When she cleaned up and about to give him. She saw Trevor dragging an old lady whose clothes bit torn and so thin to party.  She is asking to leave him, but he is not listening her. She kicks him on his ass, and he fell down with mild pain. That lady got shocked. 

        'You rich brats always bully poor people. Don't worry I will save you.', She said. When he is about to wake up again, she pushes him again. She checks up on her. Old lady is in shock. She heard somebody calling her with Meera.  when she turned around, he saw star on her neck. He remembered she is the same girl who saved him that day. She left indicating old lady to go away and left.

'On that day I just helped that grandma. Ok,' Emily replied. 'By kicking me. I am not going to leave you so easily', he said with mischievous smile.

She sighed. He moved close to her and whispered in ear, ' You know Andy searching for Meera who stole his coat. I got to heard from butler.' Emily got shocked.

 'I ... I actually gave it to that old lady as her clothes looks torn. I even don't know where she is now.', Emily said.

She thought, 'Why he is searching for it? He is rich and he can buy any coat. Why that? If he found out that's me, he would eat me alive.' 

'Definitely he would', Trevor replied. Emily shocked as he read her thoughts.

             'What do you want me to do?', She asked.

            'Get my bag from Andy.' Trevor said with a stern look.

              'How come your bag is with him? Why do I have to get your bag when you misplaced it carelessly? You should have been in your mind. You should not ---' When she is saying them in a low voice. He suddenly puts a finger in her mouth and came to close her. She started seeing him with nervousness.

             'You talk so much Munchkin. You only misplaced my bag with him.', Trevor said in a comforting voice.

               'What?', She thought and remembered she misplaced his bag with Andy when she falls into his arms. 'But how come you both have the same type of bags?', She said.

               'That's not your problem Munchkin. But this is yours now.', Trevor said.

               'You can take it right. I can't stand with Andy. He is soo rude.', She said with an irritating tone.

          'Because of you, I was suspended for a week by not submitting assignments. If I have to let go of that, you only have to bring the bag.'  Saying this Trevor gave the bag to her and left waving his hand from the front.

                  She walks slowly step by step thinking about why she always has to deal with these Oligarchs. She stood in front of the classroom and is about to go to Andy. But Anna sees her and smiling went near her. 

                'Let's go for lunch, Eggy. I only thought to come to you.', Anna said holding her hand.

               'Can you wait for some time? I have to talk to you Andy.', Emily replied.

              'Did he tease you? Tell me. I will teach him a lesson.', Anna replied angrily.

                'No. I only want to meet him,', saying this she went near to Andy leaving Anna confused.

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