Chapter 30: Heart Breaks

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          Anna reached out to Emily, but she is not lifting call as she is in breakdown. Her father came and burst into tears seeing her condition.

   Emily constantly asking herself, 'Am I bad? Am I not enough? why everyone leaves me?'. Her father hugged her tight and said, 'My little princess is good, and she will be doing good. The ones leave her only don't value her.' 

After a long time of his consoling, she slept. her father gently caressing her head thought he is going to treasure her and never want to feel her left out. 

He said in low voice, 'I am sorry for everything happened. I will be my daughter's good dad.'

He saw Anna's calling and went to pick it up. He said in serious tone, 'Why can't you be there for her today? you know how badly she needed you today. she is there with you for every silly mistake of your life. I treated you as my daughter. but I think its one-sided. that's why you left us for your family. rich family. please continue that and leave us for good. '

Anna's heart broken down by those words. ' I am sorry Eggy. I did not deserve you. that Andy and Trevor manipulated me.'

Andy tried to talk to her, but she is avoiding him. Andy one day cornered her and asked,' Why are you being so serious over this silly mistake? let's go to movie just like old times. Trevor too misses you.'

Anna asked, 'It's a silly mistake? Do you even know what you did?  I am almost on verge of losing Eggy's friendship.'

Andy got triggered.' Stop it. Every time that poor girl topic. She is not as nice as you think. she manipulates you every time to take help from you. if you do not satisfy her needs, she will threaten you. I know you paid for that writing camp and for every holiday you just go to her. she is wrapping you around her finger. once she snapped, you are following her. She might call you on that day too just for her some needs. She is a selfish greedy b**ch.' Anna slapped at him by seeing his hate.

'How can you judge her character without even seeing her face? you are liking me because I am good person. But She is there with me when I am devil. Now I understood your weird behavior. By seeing your both actions on that day, I think you both hate her. The ones hate my friend never a person in first place to me.', Anna left angrily by this statement.

'This girl is in her magic. when spells break, she realizes. How dare she hit me twice. I ignored her first slap thinking of her foolish friendship. But I realize foolish people never change. She has good family, but she never respects them and went to this girl. I will never talk to her until she apologizes to me.', Andy thought.

Anna again felt lonely. Emily is unreachable to her. Trevor and Andy too ignored her. One day she went to Henry where Amana Moore and her brother clad present. 

'I want to go to--', Anna about to say but Amana stopped, 'You never going to that poor girl's place again.' Anna holds her anger and continues,' I want to complete my high school in America.'

Three were shocked but clad felt happy thinking good riddance. Henry felt bad but he wanted to satisfy her every need as he is culprit on his life. Amana also agreed thinking she will leave that girl.

Emily's father explained her status differences and asked her to maintain distance with her. Emily felt bad about all these things. She got news that Anna went to abroad and she thought she did not want to have connect with her and had tears.

Emily tried to connect with her mother but her mother also not replying to her. Emily thought she hate her for her words on court. She always thinking her family broke by her words in every stage. Her father tried to console her but nothing happening.

Suddenly one day, Andy and his father in a car travelling. Suddenly car's brakes not working. His father pushed him out and he got into a car accident with another car. He died instant. After that, Andy's Trevor bond too broken. 

In next year, all four lives have worst phase in their life. Trevor totally confused by Andy's resentment towards him. Among all his hate waves, he got touched by a small cool wind that is Brody. But still, his behavior changed with everyone. Slowly he started creating a wall of ice around his heart. While Andy lost his family in a second and there are some secrets that made a wall of fire around his heart.

In the meantime, Anna in abroad, slowly started creating her name with arts and sculptures. But still her lonely heart made so much revengeful and hatred with everyone. She doesn't want any friends or anyone now as her past experiences made her learn lesson. She only wanted Emily to be with her.

Emily pushed all her mind into writing. She started pouring her heart on writing. Her father brought a small child of 3 years. He said, 'From now on, we are raising him.'

Emily confused but she did not receive any response from her dad on this child. That child also is not able to speak so he too could not solve her questions. But slowly his childish nature melted her heart. Emily thought to herself,' I did not know devils can get angel in life.' She again started thinking of Anna. 

These four hearts suffered so much in their life. All have worst phases of their life. They all seen darkness. But the thing they don't know is they are going to see a ray in life. Not from outside but among them. Yes, who knows one's darkness can be other's sunray.

There is angel and devil in everyone. Let's see. Will they be angels to one another or devils to other?

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