Chapter 15: Swap

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                             She stops in front of the class. These guys are making me nervous. saying this, she wipes her sweat. She goes inside the classroom and hands over the bag to Trevor.

                        'Why do you take so much time little princess?', Trevor said.

                         'I met Andy. That's why it takes time.', By hearing this Trevor felt silent.' What he said?', he asked.

                           'None of your business', Emily said.

                         'Why he said like that?', Brody asked. Trevor gave a smile and Emily sighed.

                    'Look! Trevor', She said. Trevor replied, 'I am looking at you only.

                          Emily pointed his finger at his face. ' You don't come into my business. And I don't.  I know why you are doing this. I did not intend do that on that party, but you deserved it. Also, I saved you from some idiots in high school too. So, it's got neutral. Now stop to get back at me'. Emily left.

                       Trevor gave a neutral expression at her words. Brody said, 'You got exposed'.

                   'Somebody not fully exposed yet' saying this Trevor sees Emily.

                                         Mason came to class. He came to know about everything from Cole. Not only him Everybody came to know about the swap and felt angry with Emily and Anna. Merit students felt angry at both for misusing power. Rich students felt angry for joining poor students like Emily. We could see most of them were angry at Emily rather than Anna because she has a bad history with Oligarchs and also not being rich. All started to think Emily is using Anna to get to this. All are waiting for a perfect time to show their agony. 

                                    Mason was a little bit upset with Emily for taking someone's seat without any application. But he knows that Emily just joined on already left person seat. He doesn't show any of it. He asks everyone to submit the record.

                                When Trevor checks, he did not find the record. He was confused. But he kept calm. But Brody sees this and gave him his record and asks him to submit it. But Trevor says, 'You can't be serious. I won't take your record. I am better off not having the record.' 

                            Brody felt emotional by that. But Trevor continued,' Because I don't want to spoil my reputation with your record. I know it's going to be horrible.' Brody smiled stating he knows why Trevor said that.

                              Mason finally found Trevor did not get the record. He gave the demerit points and was suspended for a week. He finally thought He showed him his place. Trevor did not even care about this stuff and left the classroom with this bag. Emily sees him while his leaving. He gave a wink at her. Emily gets irritated.

                           'I definitely put the record in the bag.' Trevor thought and started checking the bag. He found that this was Andy's. He was confused. But he understood in a minute why it happened. He smiled knowing the reason.

                         Before Mason left, He called Emily to come to the staff room as she has to complete forms on this course. When Emily was about to leave the classroom, She was stopped by Eleanor. 

                             'Don't be too happy about joining. I will see how you gonna sustain yourself. Poor people did not even have a chance in this college. That's why you started wooing rich guys. I saw you with Trevor. I definitely know it's the mask you are wearing to hide your real face. Don't play the victim card in front of him, Eleanor said.

                              'I don't know if I can sustain or not. You definitely won't sustain once you go outside the college. At least I am wearing a transparent face unlike you.', saying this Emily left.

                              'She definitely doesn't know that secret. Did she?', Eleanor thinks about it. She assures herself saying. 'No. She can't.

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