Chapter 9: Echoes of Retribution

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The trio approached, their presence commanding the attention of all the girls in the vicinity. As the figures drew closer, a collective gasp rippled through the crowd. It was Anna Moore, the heiress of the Moore legacy.

A voice pierced the air, "It's Anna Moore, Henry Moore's daughter!" The crowd dispersed like leaves in the wind, leaving only Eleanor and Wendy, who were firmly grasped by Anna's accompanying bodyguards.

Seated regally, her voice broke the silence, "Aggy, you've finally arrived." Her gaze softened as she turned to her. "Are you alright, Emily?"

Wendy and Eleanor, their faces a canvas of confusion, echoed, "Emily?"

Anna Moore's composure cracked, her words slicing the air, "Cover yourselves with the liquid."

Their resistance was immediate. "We refuse!"

Anna Moore's retort was a cold whisper, "Then await the cascade of rejection letters."

Wendy's smile was a facade of confidence, "My father's endowments are this institution's lifeline. You can't expel me."

Anna's smirk revealed the depth of her influence. "I'm not after your academic future. I'm aiming at something far more valuable—your father's reputation. You know my capabilities."

The threat settled like a heavy fog. Eleanor's courage faltered, and she succumbed. Wendy, haunted by visions of her father's downfall, followed suit, her actions tinged with hesitation.

Emily's heart was a battleground of emotions, but Anna's grin remained steadfast as they left, casting a shadow of anger and a glimmer of sadness in Eleanor's eyes.

In the quiet of their dorm, Anna's mind wandered back to the chaos at the airport. Amidst the delays, she had discovered the online vitriol aimed at Emily. Driven by concern, she had commandeered a private helicopter, determined to reach her friend's side.

"That college will regret its actions," Anna vowed silently, her protective instincts flaring. The bond between her and Emily was unbreakable, a testament to their shared history and unwavering loyalty. While Emily's heart led her to self-sacrifice, Anna believed in exacting retribution.

Among all her cherished connections, Emily was paramount. Anna feared that Emily's innocence could be exploited, and so she stood as her silent guardian. Emily was not weak; her spirit was indomitable, her will unbreakable. Yet her compassion often obscured her judgment, rendering her vulnerable. In contrast, Anna's pragmatism served as Emily's anchor, pulling her back to reality.

Humanity often misplaced its heart, leading to disillusionment. Once the heart's illusions shattered, the mind took precedence, fostering distrust in one's own emotions. This internal conflict led to silent suffering. Our characters, too, were navigating these turbulent waters.

Emerging from the washroom, Emily clung to Anna, tears staining her cheeks. "I knew it," she sobbed, "this place is a cesspool of arrogance.  It's not just dreams that perish here; it's everything."

Anna's response was a playful pout. "I loathe them too."

A sarcastic smile danced across Emily's face. "Perhaps."

"Perhaps? You've to trust me, Eggy," Anna teased.

"Don't call me that," Emily protested.

"Why not? You call me Aggy."

"Your name is charming; mine is atrocious. It's as if I'm an egg."

Anna laughed, her voice light. "Well, you do have an 'egg' about you."

Emily exhaled, her sigh heavy with resignation. "You're incorrigible."

Their laughter intertwined, a momentary shelter from the tempest.

Anna's expression shifted, her determination palpable. "We'll confront them together. And those deceitful oligarchs."

Confusion flickered in Emily's eyes. "We? I came here for you. I'm leaving this dreadful place."

Anna's smile was enigmatic, but before Emily could question it, Pooh entered, her astonishment clear at the sight of Anna. Pooh, the intellectual prodigy with humble beginnings, shared Emily's modest roots. Her ambition was unwavering, yet she steered clear of turmoil, her heart always reserving a place for Emily.

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