Chapter 18: Inquietude

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Ava, the girl stopping Charon from hitting, 'Charlotte. Don't interfere with this.'

'How dare you tell me not to interfere in my boyfriend's business', Charlotte said rolling her eyes.

'See. If he hit anybody, He is going to be expelled right away. Do you remember the warning principal gave him?', Ava said.

'So what do you think I don't have any care for my Charon', Charlotte replied.

'As if you really care.', Ava said folding her hands across her arms.

She started a fake cry expression and hugging him said, 'She did not like me that's why she is trying to separate from you.'

Charon got super angry, 'I thought of you as my friend but if you have these thoughts on her, we could not be friends.' They both left and others in this whole conversation not even considering them.

Emily came to her and offered lunch. She agrees.

While they are having lunch, 'Why are you not having yours?', Ava said breaking the silence.

'Aggy is a little bit angry with me. So I am not in the mood to have lunch. You carry on. I will give you company.', Emily said feeling sad.

'You are Emily, right? You became super famous in this college in just weeks', Ava said remembering her.

'I did not want any of this but it still it happened.', Emily thought.

'You have to be careful. these guys are so bad news you are dealing with. You are first to blame even if you don't do anything. You can't trust your people too most of the time here

'She doesn't have to worry about these things. She has Anna Moore with her.', Amelia said with a huge smile.

'But still, She can't stay with her all time. They are so many people who are crazy about these weird ideologies and can do anything to her. This is Prestin College. Anything can happen here, saying this Ava left making Emily become nervous about the situations that entangled her.

Mason went to the locker to collect his required things. But he sees all the hate letters from students. This came to him for suspending Trevor for a week. He scribbles them and throws them in the dustbin. It's not new for him. It happens to him every day due to his neutral behavior among students and not treating Oligarchs as gods. He is facing this since he joined this college as a teacher.

Emily went to an empty classroom, and She sees a note on her desk. When she sees it, it's from Andy. It mentions,' Take as much as your time. Set date this weekend.'

'This guy', She started seeing the note with an angry scoff. When she suddenly lifts her head, she sees Trevor. Their faces are too close. she shouted seeing this. Trevor was shocked.

'Why are you being this close to me?', Emily said with a serious tone.

'As if I wanted to.' Trevor understood by the writing that it was from Andy. And he started snatching away from her to see what he had written there. But Emily is trying to hide it from him. In this chaos, she is about to fall and he catches her by holding her waist. They started sharing an eye lock. She finds with amusement and stares at his eyes as they are shining due to sun rays falling on him from the window.

He smiled at her expression 'Were you falling in love with me?'

She suddenly came to her senses 'Definitely not.'

There is silence between them for some time. He suddenly asked,' What that punk wrote to you? I am sure it's not a love letter. Who loves you, weirdo.'

'Yes. It is.', She said angered by his words.

'Psh. He has really the worst taste. Maybe he has to take lessons from him on how to avoid weird girls', Trevor said moving his hands into his hair.

Emily sees him with disgust and they were interrupted by Brody.

'What are you doing here Trevor with Emily.', Brody asked.

'I think it's not her name. Is it M.. ', seeing Emily's expression he stopped.

'Don't tell me this is not her real name. You are having so many names that my numbers in papers.'

'Yes. she can have a Guinness record by now.' Trevor said with a smirk.

'I also can't waste my memory in the people's names. Won't it be better to call all humans like we used to call animals.', Brody continued.

'But You can remember Eleanor's name easily.' listening to this Brody felt shy and his cheeks become red like a tomato.

Eleanor came to the classroom after listening that Trevor calling her name. She pushed Brody from him and said, 'Do you miss me, Trevor? That's why you are remembering my name.

'I do remember you every day after I sleep'. Emily understood his wit. Brody shyly says, 'I too miss you Eleanor every time I see my hands.'

Everybody was shocked at his statement.'What do you mean, you idiot?', Eleanor asked with surprise.

'It's waiting for the time when we could hold our hands.' Brody explained.

She got annoyed and went to sit at her desk.

'That's weird but that's a good pickup line. Good luck with your love life.' saying this Emily smiled at Brody. Brody said, 'Thanks.'

'Ha. Somebody trying to reduce competition, Trevor gave a side eye to her saying this.

'I already have a love proposal from Andy. I don't want to add another person to my list.' 

Trevor gave a stern look and left to sit at his place along with Brody.

'Pff. He did not ask me about the bag.', Emily thought.

But Trevor threw a letter at her and it mentioned,' Don't think it's a love letter. I have good taste, unlike Andy. Bring my bag by tomorrow.' Emily sighed.

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