Chapter 27: Unexpected Proposal

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Suddenly a bunch of fireworks started on the sky. They were so vibrant and so colorful. Anna looked at them with stars in her eyes. Emily smiling seeing her expression. 

Anna is so happy as her mother, and she used to spend every new year by seeing fireworks. but after, she passed away She stopped seeing any fireworks festival. 

Andy, Trevor joined them. They also smiling by seeing fireworks. They remembered about their childhood incidents while they go to festival together when they were friends.

Emily suddenly gave her a recording of her mother voice. She is almost about to cry by seeing it.

'How did you find it?', Anna asked surprisingly.

' You told me aunty used to go to a voice recording session when she wants to become singer. Few days before coming to college, I found a guy there and he helped in getting her works. I thought of surprising you on our friendship day. But I could not talk to you as you were angry to me at that time. ', Emily replied.

' She remembered it all along', Anna thought holding her tears. Andy Trevor watching them and feeling them in those positions as they used to be like that.

When everything went silent for a moment, Suddenly Trevor proposed Anna saying, ' I love you'. Everyone is shocked by that sudden proposal. Suddenly fireworks bursted again and it's like it's bursting in their hearts.

 Andy was annoyed and about to fight with Trevor. Suddenly Anna replied, ' She will think about it'. Saying this she took Emily with her and left. Andy left at scene in shock.

Anna and Emily back in their dorm. Emily about to discuss with her. Anna shuts her saying this ' not interest to discuss now.'

Trevor went to his apartment and Brody asked, ' Why did you suddenly left me at the cafeteria?

 There is no money with me at that time, I have to clean entire dishes you know. And food in it is tasty anyhow but still....'

' Andy, Anna, munchkin and I went to zoo today. ', Brody shocked at that statement.

' How did you four be at one place. Anna is not even wanted to talk with you. And Andy, how you return safely without having any wounds', Brody asking more questions.

He went to shower while Brody processing everything. Brody banging door for answers.

Suddenly Trevor in shower said,' I proposed her'. Brody further shocked and asked, ' So you proposed Emily. I know you have thing for her, but this is too fast. What did she say?'

Trevor stopped for a second and said, 'Not Emily. I proposed Anna'. Brody is almost about to die by those shocks and froze at place.

Trevor came from shower with his hair wet and having towel around his neck. Came near to Brody and smiled at him. He went to fridge to get glass of water. He took another glass and poured on Brody to get him out of shock.

Trevor smiling by wiping his hair with towel and about to go to bed. Brody finally came to senses and asked, ' So you did not love her.' 

Trevor said, ' Never. I told you hundred times I am irritating her for that stunt she pulled in party.' 

Brody mumbled himself, 'I know. It's just a small petty fight between you. She just misunderstood you that you are bullying her, but you are actually helping her as she is your childhood nanny and you wanted to help her as her condition is bad and she is keeps on rejecting you due to self-esteem.'

Trevor continued, 'you know, why Andy is making munchkin roam around him just to return my bag.'

Brody asked, 'why?'

Trevor smiled and replied,' Anna. He is interested in her and as far as I know Andy, he is just using that munchkin to be close to Anna. '

Brody asked,' So you both love same girl?' 

Brody asked, 'Andy never makes this easy for you. ' Trevor smiled, 'Me neither'.  Trevor left for bed.

Andy on the other hand in his room thinking about Trevor. ' Why he did that? He knows I am actually trying to get her, and I think he might say that to annoy me. Or he actually like her? '

 They all went into bed and started thinking about actual incidents happened in in highschool. Everyone thinking about how they four met.

Anna and Emily in their school days continued to be friends. And some days later, Emily's father's elder sister came along with her daughter Nara. Emily's mother hated them as his sister left without saying anything after knowing she was pregnant. His brother tried to stop her as she was in her teenage years and her career might over by this. But she left him not caring about him.  Emily's father accepted her by seeing his sister's poor condition. Emily's parents started arguing about this issue every day. his sister felt bad on this and left them with Nara. She wrote a note stating, 

' I am sorry Chotu. I have never been a good sister to you. From childhood, I only think of myself and never really there for you when you need me. But you still clung to me. I always bit jealous of you as I thought our parents is liking you more for your disability. But in fact, deep down I know they cared us both equal. I always mocked you for being partial blind (his right eye is not having clear vision). I just thought it's a good opportunity to vent my frustrations on you. To be frank, I really felt bad for you every day. But my ego takes over me. I started finding love outside without realizing its all in you. I got pregnant with him and left our family thinking now I will get a good life. But the moment I stepped outside, I realized I am not going to be good. we are not able to get jobs. He started arguing with me every time. one day I heard he hated me for ruining his life ambitions. I could not be with him and left him without saying anything. After I came here, I realized your love for me now becoming a burden to you. I don't want it to be happen. I will definitely make something out for myself and return to you. please take care of Nara. she is not like me. she doesn't have to suffer with me. I know you will treasure her with all your heart. '

Emily's father became more frustrated with his wife now. Even though he did not torment her for this, but he finds reasons to argue with her most of times. Their happy family is broken now. Emily started confiding more in Anna now. 

One day, Nara tries to join with them. Anna says, 'You are a high school girl. find someone of your age. we are 5 years younger than you.' 

Nara but constantly tried to be with them. Emily slowly developed soft corner towards her as she is not so outspoken and looks too depressed. She feels her. Emily tried to bought Anna her favorite expensive art supplies on her birthday. but she was short of money. Nara gave all her money and they both gave her present together. Anna is not too happy on seeing her but still she continued. Emily's mother scolded Nara for using all her money on something and tries to be like her mother by relying on others. Anna heard it and felt bad. She started to be close to her. Slowly she became a sister to Anna. They three used to have playdates and enjoy.

They say happiness is short lived.

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