Chapter 24: Fight

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Trevor went to Andy and asked him sarcastically, 'where are you hiding my memory with you. If you like it that much, I can buy you it. Don't be peanut. '

' Says the guy who buys same bag when I bought it a store.' They start reminding the incident happened.

In their childhood, Andy's father when they were fighting for a snow globe, he bought same for Trevor to stop their fight. Then he made promise that he will buy same things for both of them whenever he buys something for Andy. In high school too, he bought same things for Trevor, and they look like twins at that time as they look same from top to bottom.

(Some days before Sia's birthday) Trevor, on that day, went into a store and Andy happen to be there. Andy bought a college bag and asked them to pack. Trevor reminded of Andy's father as it almost became tradition for them to buy same things in wherever they start something new. He bought same things as Andy and thought, ' See, dad I did not let you break your promise. We are going to have same things.' His smile faded thinking about him. Andy actually sees him but remain silent as he knows why he bought it.

Coming to present, ' Oh. If you saw me that day, then why you did not stop then?', Trevor asked.

' Because I know you would like to copy mine every time from childhood. It's like you are obsessed with me. '

'Andy!! You know why I bought it. It's my memory where dad brought same—-', Trevor said in loud voice.

' Stop saying dad. He is my dad. He might be then uncle but now he is nothing to you. You really don't have any right', Andy said while holding his collar.

Trevor, also holding his collar, says, ' Who told me to call him dad?' 

' I was idiot then. But I realized it how so-called Morph's bloodline will be.'

'You are still an idiot. you are not Andy Weasley but Andy Morph now. ', Trevor said in increasing tone.

He punched Trevor and said, 'Don't call me that. I hate it when that name or people came near me'.

Trevor also punched him, and both started to fight. Brody tried to stop them, but they are not stopping. And also Brody got pushed and hit to a desk. Finally, Anna came and shouted, 'Stop!!!'.

 Emily too came at that place by listening Anna's voice. They went to doctor. After Brody got band-aid, he was treating wounds of them. 

Anna breaks the silence, 'Are you seriously did not realize you are hurting another person. You are not like this in childhood. You used to be close friends, but I don't recognize you anymore.'

'Can you tell us then why you suddenly stopped talking to us and hated us since that day. What changed?', Trevor asked her in questioning and defending voice.

She stood still and again room became silent. Doctor called Emily outside and started telling her. 'Can you able to know how to solve your phobia of closed spaces?'

' Sometimes if we find solution to problem it might not solve problem and it cause so many other problems and make this solution questioned. So, I stopped finding solution.', she replied. Doctor understood her.

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