Chapter 6: Echoes of Ambition

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In the subdued light of the faculty lounge, Mason, a teacher weathered by time, contemplated the fate of Prestin College. "When shall this institution evolve?" he mused aloud.

Cole, his colleague, responded with a note of resignation, "It shall remain unchanged."

Mason exhaled deeply, his thoughts drifting back over his eight-year tenure. "I've witnessed the crowning of a student based on mere popularity, watched the majority languish in their shadows. Despite my efforts, the principal always remained silent."

Cole nodded; his voice tinged with bitterness. "Principal silence is bought by generous donations. Indeed, it's the allure of money."

A glimmer of hope flickered in Mason's eyes. "Perhaps one day, I'll be the catalyst for change," he declared softly.

The 'Oligarchy'—a tradition where students bestow the title of Oligarch upon one deemed most desirable, based on wealth and appearance rather than merit.

Andy and Trevor, the new luminaries on campus, had swiftly risen to prominence, eclipsing the established favorites. The student body, unable to choose between the two, hailed them both as equals. Andy, dubbed 'Fire Master,' and Trevor, known as 'Ice Prince,' were celebrated for their distinct personas.

Andy, indifferent to the fanfare, was driven by a competitive spirit that refused to yield the spotlight to Trevor alone. Trevor, meanwhile, thrived under the gaze of admiration.

(Three Weeks Later...)

"Behold, the Fire Master arrives."

A murmur rippled through the crowd as Andy entered, his presence commanding the room. He took his seat, oblivious to the admiring glances and the simmering envy of his peers.

Wendy, a girl with aspirations as lofty as her lineage, attempted to catch his attention. "Fire Master! My father's wealth rivals yours," she proclaimed. Andy's gaze, sharp and dismissive, sent her retreating.

Her friends whispered, "He always looks at you that way."

Wendy's resolve was unshaken. "His indifference is irrelevant. He's the Oligarch, and I will have his admiration," she vowed.

Professor Cole entered, his displeasure evident. "The recent test scores were dismal, except for Andy's," he announced.

A student's plea of inexperience was met with Cole's stern reminder of their purpose at Prestin.

Wendy, smugly, whispered, "I knew he was exceptional."

Cole's attention turned to Anna, a girl who seemed to fade into the background. "You performed the worst," he said.

Andy's interest was piqued; he recognized her—the girl from the entrance. "Anna!!! A name that is always dear to me.," he thought, a sense of nostalgia washing over him.

Wendy, noticing Andy's lingering gaze, felt a pang of jealousy.

In the cafeteria, her plan was to clumsily collide with Anna, causing her to drop her lunch. However, Anna deftly sidestepped, and it was Wendy's meal that ended up on the floor. Laughter erupted around them. Anna allowed herself a small, knowing smile, while Wendy was visibly annoyed by the turn of events.

Wendy sat down, her mind racing. "There's more to Anna than meets the eye," she mused.

Her friends dismissed her concerns. "Forget her. Focus on Andy," they advised. Yet Wendy remained contemplative.

Trevor, intent on observing his rival, ignored Brody's suggestion to dine elsewhere. "I'm here to see our frenemy," he explained, his eyes searching for Andy.

"Hi, Competitor!" Trevor greeted Andy, who promptly left without a word.

Brody was puzzled by the silence. "Why isn't he responding?"

Trevor understood. "He's here to honor his father's dream. He won't engage in conflict here," he explained.

As they prepared to leave, Trevor's gaze shifted to Anna, prompting an exasperated call from Brody.

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