Chapter 32:

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                              Next day Andy getting ready to go to college. He is talking to himself,' I should not have believed that cheater. I thought she is not as bad as I think but girl definitely is a--'

                             'Who is she made my Andy thinking so much?', Elizabeth replied.

'Who think gave you permission to come to my room. get out from here.', he said it loudly.

'I am your mother. I don't need any permission.', Elizabeth replied.

'Oh! You think you remembered it. When? When did this happened. I lost my mother along with my father that day only.', Andy said increasing tone.

'Don't talk like that Andy. I just came to help you.',

'How! By hiding my father's mini sculpture from me or by just seeing when your husband breaking every sculpture of my father or by removing butler who I am taking help', he said.

'I only saved that sculpture just for you and I only placed in that room which you were staying so you can have it.', she replied.

'I already know you are very good at acting. you are just trying to get sympathy knowing I found it and want to use it for you.', he replied hesitantly.

'I know you won't believe me. I just wanted to give you the details of girl Meera whom you were searching. Never take help from beggars. your mother doesn't want to see you request anyone like those poor people..', saying this she put details in envelope and left.

He saw her left and his eyes are filled with anger. His eyes suddenly fall on the photo. 

'What!!! Emily', he shocked by seeing it.

Trevor told Brody that a nanny is coming into their home.

'Do you think I need babysitter in this age Trevor', Brody said.

'You definitely need but she is not coming to babysit you but just to prepare us food', Trevor replied.

'Can she cook continental, Italian or Asian?', Brody asked excitedly.

'She will cook only native food. And also, we have to help her while she is cooking.', Trevor said.

Brody confused,' Are we hiring someone, or we are getting hired?'

Trevor ignored his question and showed him nanny.

'You know--', Trevor about say but Brody interrupted and said,' She is the same old lady before which Emily beat you.'

He started laughing and Trevor hit him for it and said in angry voice,' Yes.She is.'

She went to prepare food and Brody said,' How is your love story with Anna?'

'She said I can hit on her but first I am planning to love Anna'., Trevor said.

Brody asked,' What!! I think you have mistaken. you have to make Anna fall for you. Remember you proposed her.'

Trevor gave a confirming look saying he said correct only.

Brody further asked,' Then why did you proposed her?'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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