Chapter 12: Retort

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' Yeah. As you know,  He recently announced his retirement from his writing career. On that day, I provided somebody tissue box as well. He is going to choose one person from this dumb college and give him his hierarchy.', Anna replied with assuring tone.

'How... How did you know that? But why this college? As if, these students have passion for those things. Always fighting over that Oligarchs.'

'I have my followers. And till now it did not have that student. But now it has. YOU'.

'But... But', Emily was as confused as a puzzle.

'See! I have discussed everything with that principal. They are going to have a minor course for it. You can take any major and choose that minor. And as your luck, We have an empty merit seat in business administration.  You can take it and fulfill your dream of becoming an author.'

'Why does someone leave opportunity in this college after getting a seat? That too merit seat.', Emily replied suspiciously.

'She might be as krack as you are, Eggy', Anna replied with a suspicious smile.

'How will he give me that seat? I did not even write anything.' Emily asked so many questions to Anna.

Anna finally said, 'Stop! That pooh is spoiling you. You are becoming a question bank like her. He wants his seat to be fulfilled according to government rules. That's it.'

' Did you have your hand in getting a seat', Emily replied.


'I want our friendship promise', Emily replied.

Anna started having a little panic and changed the topic. 'So that means you agreed to join'.

'No. I did not say that.'

The room filled with an empty silence for some time.Anna broke the silence

'Ah!! I have to see his face again for my application process. Come within 10 minutes.', Anna said and left.

Emily is in a dilemma. She doesn't want to leave the opportunity of working with her idol. Seeing him was only enough for her. This was like a dream come true for her. But this college is the bitter place to begin her sweet dreams.  She started thinking of her father's words, 'A heart's fire can only be satisfied by your dreams. If that stops, you are left only with regrets in your life.'

Little did Emily know that everything is destiny's choice. We all fear destiny's games on us. It may seem like it gave us various choices, but in Hidden, it gave only one option. Because it knows, though we have so many options, we choose that chosen one of destiny only. Because We are all in the home of destiny and there is no ever going out. We are bounded by the walls of it.

Anna stood outside waiting for Emily. Emily approached her. Anna's face suddenly has a shine that is glowing like a glow worm in dark night.

'I know you will come. That's why I have already filled out your application. Go and give that person. I can't even see him again.' Saying this Anna left for her classroom.

The principal silently took those papers and said, 'You can go to the class. The minor course will be starting in a week.'

Emily was shocked and asked while leaving, 'Do you have a twin brother?'

She left without listening to the answer. He was annoyed.

Anna entered the class. She and Andy's eyes met. Andy has been in thought after seeing her. All Students gasped after seeing her. She directly went to him and say, 'Nice to meet Oligarch, Mr.Andy Evans.'

'How are you Aggy?', Andy replied.

'Surprise! Somebody remembers my name. But you lost that right now. Call me Anna. Only Emily has that right now.', Anna replied in a serious tone.

'That girl? who often crashes in every place and often leaves on rich people money.let me guess she used you for this college application.',  Andy replied.

'A person like you doesn't have any right to say her name too. She is natural, unlike your acts Which you can't even understand.' Saying this she sat in the place where Emily used to sit. She finds words on the table stating, 'Get out! rude b**ch.'

She shouted and asked, 'Who wrote this?'

Everybody pointed to one of the minions of Wendy. She pulled her hair. 'b**ch! why did you replace my table with yours? Change it.'

'I wrote that for Emily but not you.', She replied.

'W...What?', Anna replied angrily.

'Nothing. I will change the table.'. She replaced the table with hers.

Andy thought, 'She did not change a bit. But why still hung on to that simple fight?'

Cole came to class and started teaching everyone.

Meanwhile, Emily reached the class and sits in the empty seat. Mason started teaching the class. But he was interrupted seeing someone in Amara's seat which was empty as she did not even join the campus.

Mason asked, ' Are you Anna, right? Why are you sitting in Amara's seat? You are from a different department, right?'

'She replied my name is Emily. I am joining this department from today instead of her. I am hoping to cope with everyone.' Mason is shocked by this revelation.

'Whatever name you have, you do not have any right to even be in this college after disrespecting Oligarchs.', A person from the group said.

'Are you Oligarch? why are you feeling bad dude? Do you think I am in such a bad position that I need a weakling like you for support?' Trevor replied coming to class.

She shocked. ' Is he in the same class? I am done with this life.'

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