Chapter 31: Fight For Love Or Hate

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              Coming to present, Trevor and Andy look more determined to get her. Anna thought, 'I will definitely have to complete the motive for which I joined this college with Emily'.

Emily mumbled, 'I wish life would be peaceful for us in these years.'

Next day, Brody preparing breakfast thinking of Trevor's words.

'When did he love Anna? How did he love her? How's Andy going to take all this?  He never even liked Emily. And Here I am dreaming of their marriage speech', Brody thinking to himself.

Suddenly Trevor stood beside him, and Brody startled by him.

He again started bombarding with questions. Trevor stopped him saying he is late to college. Brody asked him to stay but Trevor mentioned he has to start his love life, so he did not have time for this.

'Enjoy your rat food', saying this Trevor left. Brody suddenly saw he is coating bread with rat poison cream than with jam and throwed it away in fear.

'I will die for food, but this Trevor literally made me mean it', Brody sighed by these words.

Andy messaged her on phone regarding her date as he wanted not to waste time after seeing yesterday's scene.  She is now too shocked to even respond him.

Emily asked, 'Are you going to accept Trevor's proposal?'

Anna said,' Why? Do you like him?'

Emily disgusted by those words and responded, 'Eww... Who will ever like him? I am just confused till now you said you hate both of them but now you are accepting one's proposal.'

Anna corrected her,' I said I will think about it. Not that I accept his proposal.'

Emily said,' But seeing yesterday's expression, I think Andy also has crush in you.'

Anna said, ' No need to worry of silenced words.' Emily nodded and both went for class. Pooh listening to them without their knowing fainted by knowing it.

Anna came with Emily to her class. Trevor who is already there smiled and went to them.

'What's up ladies? Did this handsome spoiled your yesterday's sleep. you look exhausted.'

Emily burned with anger. Anna replied,' Oh Sorry! I forgot you proposed me yesterday'. Emily holds her laugh seeing his expression.

Anna continued, ' I thought about it now. I am not interested in you. But if you want to try your luck, yes hell doors are open for you.', saying this she left.

Trevor irritated by her. He turned towards Emily. Emily got tears by laughing at her words and his expressions.

'Don't cry for me. I know I am hybrid piece and forgetting might be hard for you. But what can I do just because peahen and hens have feathers, that does mean I should settle with hen.', Trevor replied.

Suddenly Andy messaged Emily to come to terrace. She ignored Trevor and went.

'What happened?', Andy asked.

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