Chapter 29:Turmoil

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Suddenly Andy saw her and carried her to hospital. When Andy asked her for her family's phone number, she gave Emily phone number. when he dialed, she took phone from him and talked to Emily. she said she was okay. Andy confused.

Henry tracked her whereabouts and came to find her as she did not come till night. Anna looks least interested on seeing him. Andy noticed her weird behavior.

Amana Moore too came and shouted at her for being a despo to talk with Emily. She said,' That girl did not even call you when you did not call her in these days. I checked her in the phone I hid from you. If you continue her friendship, she will just use you. Nothing more'.

Anna said, 'Don't manipulate me. I know you can do anything for making me obey you.' she slept. They went outside.

Amana realized Andy as rich heir. She thanked him. 

Andy asked,' Why she is like this? who is Emily?'

Amana twisted her words, 'That girl is a parasite.  She befriended Anna when she knows Anna is Moore. She clung to her, and their parents demanded money to raise her. We finally got her by court notice. But that girl still did not leave her. she tried to ask money and I saw Anna sending her. So, I hid her phone. But see how she made our child. she went to talk to her even today where she will be weak on full moon night.'

She continued,' she can leave them only when you people can be friends to her. ask him to be friends with Anna'. Andy agreed thinking them true.

In reality, Henry who stood beside her knows she just instigated him. He thought, ' Emily did not call her because of your threats to her. But that poor girl still called me and told me about incident. We have known she's been in this hospital by locals. You.. you just asked me to leave her like that to learn the lesson for disobeying you. why are you doing this mom? You anyhow spoiled my life. but please leave my daughter.'

Henry returned her phone once she is back. Her brother did not even care for her condition. Anna still been in touch with her. Amana could not do anything as this girl might run away again.

Andy now tries to befriend her. he is not doing it for his word, but he personally wanted to be friend to her. Anna who wanted to follow Emily's words decided to make friends in this college. She felt Andy is a good guy. they became friends. Trevor who is in his usual self-tried to tease her every time, but she slowly liked his teasing. They become inseparable trio in his college. They made Anna happy in her lonely day and nights. still Anna misses Emily but kept it hidden.

Andy and Anna bonded more by their similar interests in art. Whenever she comes up with Emily' topic, Andy cut her short and distracted her to stop thinking about her. Trevor finds weird with his actions.

Anna suddenly received call from Emily, and she said she is at a Coffee shop. She shocked to see her. 

Emily bursted out. 'Mom and dad getting a divorce. They felt they can't live with each other. Also, they are asking me with whom I could stay. I... I don't know why its happening to me.'

Anna replied,' Why you did not tell me this?'

Emily said, 'You have lot of things going on your plate. I don't want to add extra.' Anna felt bad about situation.

She went to meet their parents. They felt happy on seeing her and little bit embarrassed on seeing them at this situation. Seeing them hate each other guts, Anna knows she could not do anything in their situation.

Anna asked her to live with her while, but she disagreed and said she will go home as is in correct position now.

While she is leaving home, she came across Trevor and saved him on that day.

Anna, the next day, tried to ask them about ideas to cheer her up. Andy left giving some lame excuse as he did not want to listen to her topic. Anna mentioned everything to Trevor. Trevor said,' When we lost one good thing, you just have to show another good thing.'

Anna thanked him and she made her join writing camp as she always has knack for writing, and this might help her.

After few days, Emily came to final hearing. She said,' I want to live with my dad.' Her mother heart broken down by her response.

She, with tears in her eyes, hugged her tight. Emily looks down as she could not face her. She wants to live both of them. 

Her mother continued, 'I know why you chose your dad. But please don't hate me. I am not completely fault for our arguments.'

Emily thought,' I can't hate you mom. I just don't want to be burden now to you as you are not best in your financial condition.' Her mother left.

Emily's father reached hotel room. He went outside to get her something to eat. She locked herself in a room and cried uncontrollably on her condition.

'I hate myself for choosing one. I hurt my mother. I did not deserve anything in life. I am not enough for anyone. I am not an angel mom. I am a devil. I hurt people so much that why I lost my soulmate I have made too. And.. my mom...', she said these words again and again. She holds her head by thinking of her mother memories. She hits her hand uncontrollably on to table. 

Anna, on the other hand, slapped Andy hard and said, 'I did not expect this from you Andy. You disgust me.'  Trevor stood there confused as why she slapped him.

'You both are heartless jerks. I thought you as my friends. you can never be friends to anyone. you both match each other.', saying this she left.

Trevor went to Andy asking for her hatred reason, but Andy said that he is not in a mood and went away.

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