Chapter 14: Meeting

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                      Anna became more and more famous and people now treat her as Zephyra(the one they want oligarch to pair up with like a destined lover to oligarch).  In this time Andy tried to talk to her many times but she ignored him. Emily ignoring Trevor and Andy as Anna don't like them to hangout with .she also did not have any interest in them.Wendy and Eleanor is not at all happy in this.

Girls started getting ready for class. Emily and Anna share everything and their coordination are on the next level in catching things and sharing just to get ready for school. Pooh was shocked.

    Those three as the group coming to college. All of the students were seeing Anna. Her persona made every boy drool towards her. And it made girls obviously envious.

                    'Anna, You became instant popular like ramen,' Pooh replied.

                   'What's the best comparison you could find qb', Anna said.


               'question bank. It has to be obvious when you are asking questions again.', Anna replied with a smile.

           'Oh! I will leave for the class.' Pooh replied and left.

         'Why are you teasing her all the time, Aggy? It's not right. She felt bad. You have to stop this habit.', Emily replied with a disappointed look.

       'Only you take things so seriously. Chill. Nobody cares more than 3 seconds according to William Silberstian's study.',   Anna said with a confident look.

        'Who is this researcher? Let me google it.' Emily replied.

         'Ok, Fine. I made that up.', Anna said.

            They both laughed. But they were interrupted by Wendy. She said, 'Look! Two little hyenas laughing.'

'And.. mice joined. You know what happens to it. And FYI, I am not on a diet as well and neither I am a vegan.', Anna said.

              Wendy got irritated. Emily gave a little smile on it. 'Who told you to laugh Anna? Oh Sorry. I forgot you do identity theft right? What's your name again this time.'

             'It's Emily,' she replied.

            'Oh, Emily! I wonder if is it really the original name this time. You don't even have merit or money like me. How can you even lay your foot in this college? Girls like you---',

           'Hey Wendy!', Trevor along with Brody came.

           'You forgot something in the entrance.', Trevor said. Trevor started seeing Emily with a flirtatious smile. Anna felt annoyed. Emily felt anxious again after seeing that.

          'What?' Wendy said checking her makeup kit.

           'Your brain, Zero brainer. Maybe somebody might take it. Go... I heard Andy hates zero-brainers.', Trevor said.

         Wendy felt irritated and left thinking, 'That's why I like Andy. this guy is too rude.'

          Trevor turned towards them and said, ' What are you avoiding me Moore the goose along with this little munchkin.'

           'We don't want trouble from you. we came here for study. You guys don't know about that. Maybe you came to play. sports areas is that side. You can go there.', Anna replied.

            'Maybe you have to go first. otherwise, you won't even reach the classroom. That building is in the next area', Trevor said.

            Emily realized this is true and said to Anna, ' I will take care. Please go.' Anna left making a sign stating she is gonna keep an eye on him. Trevor gave a smirk.

            'Hey, Little Munchkin. You said you will take care of me. Take the bag.' saying this Trevor throws the bag at her face. He and Brody left following Emily carrying his bag. But in this process, she bumps into Andy.

            'It's been your habit.', Andy said. Emily started picking up the bags that fell down. She picked up Andy's bag and gave it to him.

              'Sorry. I did not see you.'  Andy came close to her and said, 'I know you are that Emily but did we meet anytime?' Emily felt anxious and gave a nervous smile.

                 She is about to leave. But he stops her by pulling her bag. By that force, she falls on his arms. They share an eye lock. But Andy suddenly leaves her. She fell straight into the grass. After she gets herself up.

                He asks her, 'Can you create a meetup with Aggy once? I want to talk to her. She never agrees if I ask her.', Andy asks.

              Emily is irritated by his action and says, ' No.'

              Andy sees her knowing she would give the same answer. ' you don't know what happened between us. you are the--.'

         Emily says, 'You guys hurt her. I may not know the reason. But Once and for all, She wanted to get rid of you. I respect it. I thought she might be doing wrong at that time. But seeing you now, I know she made the correct decision.'

        Andy was shocked because he did not expect this Answer.

          And she started running but came back and says to him with a teasing face,' And also one thing, I won't help narcissists.'  She ran again to her class.

            Andy gets fully irritated by her. 'She...She called me a narcissist. How dare she talk to me like that. Once she is calling me an idiot. Now this.'

             But he gave a smirk and said, 'But I know you definitely have to come to my help. And see how I am going to handle you on that.'

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