Chapter 11: Terminate

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           'Anna M.. Moore!! How come you are in this college. I just saw your application now.', the principal exclaimed.  

         'it bec... because I joined this college.', Anna said imitating him.

         'How come! I definitely know if you joined this college. How can I not know where pearls are in my ocean'.

         'It's because you always check shells and forgot to check inside it', Anna said with a sigh.

       'What! I did not get it.', with a confused face.

           'Its because I got under merit seat and also, I am not here to give you a lecture but attend it instead. If you excuse yourself, I will attend class.', She said with an uninterested tone.

          'Ok. We can check this later on. You should not miss classes. Please go.', Principal said this with a soft tone. Suddenly his tone changed. ' I have to check this issue first.'

       The teacher beside them felt irritated at his change of behavior with students.

        He started shouting at Emily,' How the hell you joined this college? And used the name, Anna Mathew. And surprisingly when I checked in the entrance tests I did not even find your name. By the look of it, you are not even rich. How did you join this college by skipping tests?' 

        'I know people like you will do some stupid acts to join this college. I have seen so many people like you come by fake identities. If it's not for stupid rule that merits can join by 15% even if they are poor. I would even not consider people like you. You are spoiling the reputation of this college.'

           Anna tried to speak something, but Emily holds her hand and whispered,' Leave it like this. You have to study here. And there is a mistake of us as well.'

         Principal continued,' And you joined and started spoiling our two reputed students' reputation.'

            'Sir, I have seen the posts as well. It's that boy's mistake only. I agree she unknowingly crashed into Andy but he can be a little normal towards her. And that Trevor is the whole reason for it.', the Teacher said with a concerned tone.

            'Madam, you just joined. you don't know about these people. I have seen students like them. They will come to colleges like this and start wooing innocent rich boys. They have the character of a fox. I am ordering you to get out.', the principal said.

               'Stop!  You have the character of the dog. Always smooching that rich people face. If those are innocent then I am the queen of England.', Emily thinks all these in her head.

                  ' Sir, I am not a student at all. And you don't have the right to even scold me. I may not have a character of gold you want but I have the character of values which you can't even see in you if we ignore your so-called students.' She said with a respectful tone. But the Principal understood she insulted him. Trevor who is listening to this whole conversation outside laughed. Anna too holds her laugh.

                   'Get out!!!', the principal shouted. Emily left the room and started going toward her dorm. Trevor followed her.  

                   'Anna Stop!' He said with a smirk.

                    'Oh, nice. Until now you did not call with my name. When you called it's even wrong.' Emily said.

                    'What to call you then. We did not have a proper introduction.', Trevor asked.

                     She started holding his hand and gave him a handshake tightly and said, 'Hi! I am Emily. Emily Barker. I am just a substitute for Anna for a few days. I am leaving this college for good today. Nice to not going to meet you and that idiot from now on. '

               ' You meant brody?'

                'No! That Andy.'

                   Trevor laughed. I am actually a bit angry from our last meeting. But it's gone now after this. Emily sighed.

                   'And are you both students or teachers? It's a new thing to hear about a substitute student. You are living in 2050.' 

                       'And you are in 200 B.C. (stone age). Bye for good.' She left angrily.

                     ' I think this might not be our last meet definitely', Trevor said.

                        Andy listened to this whole conversation and said to himself, ' I know Anna. She definitely going to let her stay here. She is an idiot to think like that after knowing Anna.'

                         Emily came to the dorm and hugged Pooh. 'I am really feeling bad about your stay at this college. I hope we meet again soon.' 

                         'You have to meet her and me every day' Anna said with a smile while entering the door.

                       'What !!! she is gonna stay here?', Pooh said with a happy smile.

                      'Yes' 'NO'.  Both said at the same time.

                       Pooh left them in the room after seeing how angry they were looking at each other.

                     'You are coming into this college.', Anna said with a stern look.

                       ' We should not be talking about this topic again. I love you so much. I can't leave you just for this college. So I dealt with this college and people. I can't do this anymore. We will be forever friends and anything should not separate us' By saying this she started leaving with packed bags.

                         'Even if I say your favorite author(William Barkley) is a teacher in this college. He is planning to be teaching this year for new writing course that going to be started..' 

                     'What??!!!', Emily exclaimed with a happy smile.

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