Chapter 21: Change of opinions

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Emily went to her dorm and started thinking of an incident in writer's camp named Inkwell Oasis. Emily is mostly depressed due to family problems and also Anna is also living distant to her. Even though it did not let her affect. she did very well in classes.  Teacher, one day said at the end of camp best writer going to meet a famous author and his details would be surprised for now. So, Emily gave her best and tried to win this. As this might give bit happiness to their family issues. She also met Akin in this camp. He is so down to earth, and he take care of Emily so well. She felt happy and slowly developed a crush on him. She used to go out of her limits and shared everything to him. she also helped in writings of characters emotions strongly. She told him that once this camp over she will tell him one thing. He also agreed.  competition ended and Akin win the competition. Emily felt happy even though bit sad about her loss. She is about to propose but she heard Akin saying to his friends that he only became close to her as to know why she is teacher's pet and what her strength and weakness, and he did some bad mouth to her writing. He finally said he never treated as friend but only as competitor. Emily heart broken by his words. He called her but Emily decided to not propose him. Anna then took a promise from Emily to not a date any guy until she approves him. Emily till now did not went into any other relationship.

   Emily coming to present thought, 'Why do you think like that Anna. Do you think i will make someone above you. Never. 'Saying this she slept.

   In college late night, Andy started doing sculptures and thinking about her father last piece of mini sculpture. ' I thought I finally found the last piece of my father art even that rich heir broke all of my father sculptures. But when I finally found it in Sia's birthday time, I lost it. If anyone find it again before me, They will definitely make me lose last one as well.'

 He called butler, 'When are you going to find that person who stole it. I am trying to find but still no details of people came in that day. I will try to find them master. ' Andy hearing this signed. 

He suddenly saw someone passing by door. When he checks there is no person. he again resuming his progress not caring about those things.

  Emily, in the dorm saw Anna did not come still and went to find her. Pooh in the bed started mesmerizing by reminding those words again and again. Pooh thought, 'finally someone liked my name even when I don't like my name. He said I look cute. And others always gave me weird names and makes funny of me. wait!!! where is Emily and Anna.'

Emily, being tired, after checking everywhere went to college. there she tries to find out in rooms. And suddenly she heard some sounds and felt scared. She finally in a room saw Andy and seeing her, Andy looked confused. Panting, she asked 'Did you see Anna? I could not find her.'

Andy said, 'She is not stupid like you. she will be come around.' Emily shouting, 'You don't understand... this is that day.' 'whaaaat!!', Andy stood shocked. 

Andy shouting, 'Do you can't take her properly half of she takes care of you. You are such an idiot. Let me go.' In fit of rage, he closes door harshly and went to find her. She could not open the door and again she went into panic attack and started mumbling something and crying out. Andy stopped by hearing her sounds and went to check at her.

 He saw her trembling in fear sitting in a corner and swiftly went to her and closes her ears. She sees him with tears and asks him, 'Am I not enough? why?'. Suddenly he found his teenage self in that position and thinks asking him question. He quickly pulled her by hand and hugged her tightly and said, ' You did good. You will be doing good.' Suddenly she remembers that her father said same words to her in her panic attacks. She calmed down bit and Andy moved away from her realizing he was too close to her. Andy gave her a water bottle and asks her to leave and says he will search for her.

Emily says, 'No. You said right. This is my time to be with her. I won't leave someone I love most in their hard times.' Andy looks stunned. They went together to find her. She went to college terrace to check for her as that is the last place to check in college.

Anna stood in the edge of terrace. Anna seeing moonlight thinking about events happened in college and sighed, 'Why people I like will be taken aways by me. My mom passed away and left me. Now Emily.' She seeing full moonlight continued, 'You are the thing I hated most. You always make me weak.' she sees her body shivers with the moon light rays as her mother passed away in one of those full moon days.

Emily suddenly pulled towards her and bring her down. She saw her with Andy and pulled her hand away. Andy driving them to home and sharing glances with Emily seeing she only looks at Anna with concerned eyes.

Anna rushes to dorm and Emily followed her. Andy drives to home and falls on bed thinking about today's incident.' I thought she is just using Anna till now. but is really concerned about her?'

 Emily came towards Anna and asked, 'I don't understand when you are allergic to those things. why you be close to them.' Anna replied, 'What to do? the things I like don't care for me and makes me hurt.' Emily looks sad. Pooh stood there with concerned face.

Emily continued, 'Go to sleep. Let talk tomorrow on this.'

Emily started opening her diary. Suddenly some pages flipped, and we see a page where her childhood memories written.

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