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*Third person's pov"

The Stacy sisters sit in the library and negotiate their next class. Peter comes in fast and sits in the third chair at their table. He almost falls. "I have great news." he leans forward towards the table and smiles. The sisters pick up flavies from their textbooks and first look at each other and then turn to Peter. "A very close friend of mine has returned from Europe and he will study in our university." Peter speaks very enthusiastically. Y/n doesn't listen to him she really needs to be ready for this class. The girls smile at him and before they start saying something the bell rings and everyone goes to their class.

Y/n's got chemistry, so she's rushing as fast as she can. Mr. Kevinson is the strictest in the whole university. Y/n loves chemistry and does well but the teacher just hates her.

Y/n opens the door and walks in so fast she drops her textbooks to the ground. She sighs and closes the door behind her. "Miss Stacy, you're late again." the teacher grumbles and looks at her indignantly "No shit Sherlock!" Y/n whispers under her nose "Sorry, I didn't hear you." Kevinson says and rolles his eyes. "I didn't say anything, sir. I'm sorry, I was at the library." Y/n picks up her books "Sit in your seat and shut up." the teacher says and looks back at the boy who was sitting right next to him and was staring at Y/n with smirk on his face. "So as I was saying before Miss Stacy interrupted me, this is our new student Harry Osborn. He came back from Europe and will study with us. I'm sure you'il welcome him properly." Mr. Kevinson sits behind his desk and openes his big textbook "Sit where you think is good enough Mr Osborn." the boy smirks and sits on the desk behind Y/n. "Open your textbooks on page 22."

Everyone does what the teacher just had said. But Harry Osborn has other plans. He rips a sheet out of his notebook and quickly writes something on it and throws it at Y/n.
Y/n rolls her eyes and opens the peace of paper.

You were really sexy while picking up your notebooks

Y/n annoyed, crushes the piece of paper and places it on Harry's table. Harry rolls his eyes and tosses the piece of paper again. Y/n once more returns it. "What is going on there?" Mr. Kevinson stops to teach the lesson and goes to Y/n's desk. "Miss Stacy, aren't you ashamed to be late first and then toss notes?" the teacher leans over on her desk and makes her look at him "Excuse me, sir, but Mr Osborn is giving me obscene notes." Y/n smiles because she knows Harry's going to get in trouble from day one "Mr Osborn, is that true?" Mr Kevinson stands up and looks at Harry. "No, sir she is clearly lying." Harry smiles at Y/n, who immediately turns against him when he tells his lie "Show the note to Mr Kevinson if you don't mind." Y/n says confidently "What note?" He looks her dead in the eye "Where did you hide the note?" she gets up from her seat and starts looking for the note "What note, Y/n, I didn't write you any notes?" Harry gets out of his seat and stands behind Y/n. "Where did you put it Dickhead?" Y/n turns to him and punches him on the chest "Language please!" Mr. Kevinson pulls back Y/n from the shoulder. "Y/n, are you going crazy? There ia no note." the whole class bursts into laughter "That's enough, both of you!Today after your classes, you are detained." Y/n looks at her teacher first and then at Harry.

"Sir, I'm new, and I don't know what this girl's talking about." Harry tries to get away with it, but he doesn't know mr Kevinson hates that type of students. "Miss Stacy, you'il have plenty of time to tell mr Osborn how he is supposed to behave in my class. You're not the best person to tell him, but we'il settle for what we have."

Mr Kevinson likes to expose his students. They're both very lucky that the bell rang and they're safe now. The only good thing about the teacher is that he never holds his students after the bell. As soon as the bell rings the class is over. After Y/n left the room and headed for her final class, Harry ran after her "Are you happy, miss first grade?" Harry stands in front of her so she can't move "What do you want, mister, I like to lie?" Y/n turns right and opens her locker "Don't tell me this is your locker." Harry grumbles "No, It's not, I just like to use other people's lockers." Y/n pulls out her math textbook "Haha, so funny." he opens the locker next to her. "You gotta be kidding me." She shuts the locker door and heads to the math class. "Where are you going?" Harry says after her but she doesn't pay attention.

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