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I woke up before Harry. He was still in the world of dreams. Harry looked very calm, so I didn't wake him up. I got up and walked out of the room as quietly as possible. I made us breakfast and came back. He was still sleeping. I left the tray on the bedside table and sat next to him. I stared at him and noticed a green wound on his neck. What the hell was that?

"Harry wake up!" I shook him. "What happened?" he opened his eyes sleepily "What's that on your neck?" I asked nervously "Shit!" he stood up very quickly. He went in front of the mirror and looked at the wound. "So?" I stared at him. He looked worried "That's nothing." he said, but I didn't believe him "Your face says otherwise." I stood up and approached him. "You can tell me. You know?" I looked at his eyes, on the other hand he was struggling to make eye contact. "Told you it's nothing." he said frimley "I don't believe you. Just tell me!" I put my hand on his face "You won't be happy about it." He took my hand and took it off his face "It doesn't matter what I feel."

"If I tell you, you'll leave me." he said sadly "Of course I won't leave you." I said. I was starting to worry "It's a family illness. My father died of this." he waited for me to say something, but since I didn't he continued. "And I will die of it too." I was trying not to cry. I had to be strong for Harry. He deserved support "Maybe we can cure you." finally I managed to say something "There's no cure." he said "No, sure there is." I contradicted him. "Maybe a little blood of spider-man can help." he said after a few minutes "I don't think so."

"The spider that bit him saved him, it's a pity they don't produce them anymore." Harry noticed my confused expression "My point is if he saved him, he could save me too."

"I still don't think that this is a good idea." I said "If you don't want to help me it's fine. I can find him on my own. Of course if I'm not dead by then." Just thinking of him dead gave me the creeps. "I will help you. Just don't talk like that."


I knock on Peter's door. Aunt May opened "Oh, hi Y/n." she pulled me into a hug "Nice to see you aunt May." I said as I stepped back "Is Peter here?" I asked and she told me that he was in his room.

I knocked on his bedroom door "Come in." he shouted "Oh, Y/n I wasn't expecting you." he said as I closed the door. "I have some bad news." I sat on his bed next to him "What happened?" he asked worried "Harry has some type of illness that will kill him. He said that it doesn't have cure, but he thinks that spider-man's blood will help him."

"What?" his eyes widened "I told him that this won't help but he doesn't want to listen." I said "Maybe tomorrow you could come around to talk to him that this isn't possible." I asked him "Sure." he said without any doubts.


Harry and I were sitting on the couch and he was drinking whiskey. Peter would be here any minute. My anxiety was raising and my legs were shaking.

There was a knock on the door and I ran to open the door. It was Peter. "Where is he?" he asked "Living room."

We walked in the room and Harry stood up. I could see the excitement in his eyes as well as the hope.

"What's up. I think you've been looking for me." spider-man said. "I cannot believe my eyes." Harry responded "Spiderman! Just the man i wanted to see." he noded. "You talked to Y/n?" he poured yourself some more whiskey. "Yea." Peter said "I want to help you Mr Osborn. I really really do." from those words Harry's face lit up "I can't give you my blood." he said, and Harry's smile disappeared "Not right now" he added "Excuse me?" Harry said trying to keep himself calm "It's too dangerous. If our blood isn't compatible you can die" Harry looked at him with his mouth wide open, he couldn't believe "I'm already dying, your blood can't make me die more." Harry started getting angry "But it could do something worse." Peter said "Okay, alright how much?" Harry asked "How much what?" asked spiderman "How much do you want? I mean do you want a boat? You want plane? You want money? How much do you want?"

"I don't want your money." Peter said calmly "Oh come on, everybody wants my money!" Harry shouted "I don't!" said Peter "Neither do I." I said. They both turned to look at me. "Wrong timing? Sorry, you go on." I said awkwardly. Harry turned back to face spiderman "I thought you were supposed to save people. I thought that's what you do save people's lives. You just gonna let me die." Harry stood up "I'm just trying to protect you right now." Peter stood up as well "No, you're not. You're trying to protect yourself." Harry approached him "Look, you just need a bit more time-" Harry interrupted him "I do not have time!" he shouted and throw his glass of whiskey. It shattered and a peace of glass came back to Harry and hit him on the cheek. "I'm sorry." said Peter and left. "You are a fraught spiderman." Harry called after him and kicked the little, glass table then he laid on the couch and started crying. I approached him and tried to hug him "Get away from me." he said angrily "I just want to help you." I said calmly "I said go away." he pushed me. Next thing I know I'm falling on the ground onto the shattered glass "Ouch." I could feel how a few pieces of glass get into my palms "Are you fucking crazy? What was that about?" I stand up "Oh just fucking leave me alone Y/n. I don't want to deal with your bullshit right now." he left the room. "Sure, go away and hide. Never talk about your problems so I won't be able to help. Fucking dick head." I cried after him and stormed out of his house.

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