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*Y/n's pov*

I look at Harry one last time to make sure he isn't hesitating that he wants to attend the so-called family dinner. Then I knock on the door and it opened almost immediately. It's like Mom was sitting at the door and waiting for us to arrive. "Welcome, why don't you come in?" mom smiles and lets us in. As I walk in she pulls me into a tight hug. "I've missed you!" she says and I can feel that her tears are on the edge "I've missed you too." I pull back. I look at Harry who was awkwardly standing next to us. "Oh, come here." mom pulls him into a hug as well. Harry smiles as they split up. "Let's go to the dining room everybody else is there."

*Harry's pov*
Mrs Stacy pulls me into a hug and I can't help but feel something clik. It feels just like I have a mother again. I miss my mom a lot. Mrs Stacy's hug is warm and comforting but I can't help but miss my mom's hugs. I pull away before stupid tears roll down my cheeks.

*Y/n's pov*

As we walk in Gwen and Howard run to me and hug me so tight that I almost faint. "Were have you been?" Gwen asks with tears in her eyes "At Harry's." I say and pat her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

We quietly sit on the table as we see dad's stare. He doesn't look like he's been dragging this moment to come. He doesn't look pleased that I am here at all. If it was the opposite I would be surprised.

After a few minutes of awkward silence dad speaks first "So how have you been?" he looks at me and I can see how much he doesn't care. "I've been OK." I simply reply "What about you?" I try to keep the conversation going. "Good, of course as good as I could be while one of my kids just doesn't come home." he takes a sip from his drink. He trys to make me feel bad about what I did. But he can't or just doesn't want to understand that I had the need to be away for at least a little while. "Harry would you like some more salad?" mom asks to break the invisible barrier standing on the table between us. "Sure." Harry hands her his plate. "Thanks." he says after getting it back.

"So Y/n do you think you will live her again?" my brother asks with his eyes filled up with hope. "I don't know Howard." I say "At least stay for the night!" I don't want to break his hope, so I look at Harry and he nods "Sure we will stay for the night." I look at my father to see his reaction but he only smiled.

By the end of dinner, no one talked much. Only small talks that didn't matter much. "Harry come with me." my dad stands up and looks at Harry sternly. Harry without saying anything stands up and follows him.

After they leave the room I say "I hope Harry returns alive and in one piece." Gwen laughs but I know she hopes the same.

*Harry's pov*

Mr Stacy and I went to the balcony. He is looking quite worried and angry. "Harry you know I like you." is the first thing he said. I don't know what to say so I just nod. "But I don't really appreciate Y/n being away from home."

"I know sir. I'm sorry. If you'd like me to I can talk with Y/n and tell her that she can't stay at mine anymore." I say, but I really don't want to. "Don't be mad at Y/n because she's staying with me like you know my dad died and she doesn't want to leave me alone." I'm trying to make the move with the dead dad to make him feel sorry for us and don't get Y/n into trouble. "Oh, I understand. I mean I know Y/n is in good hands with you so she can move out with you." he says and I can't help but smile. I succeeded "But I'd like you to come for dinner every Friday." of course it was too good to be true. "Of course sir." I say and he rolls his eyes "Please Harry don't call me sir. I'll be your father in lay soon." He says and something in me flinches. The Stacy family makes me feel wanted and like I really have a family like I did when I wasn't even a teenager. "Thank you." I say and hug him. After realising what I have just done I pull away "Oh, I'm sorry." I say and nervously scratch the back of my head. "It's fine. Come here son." he pulls me into a tight hug and my tears are on the edge.

*Y/n pov*

We just finished cleaning up the table with mom and Gwen. "Should I check on them?" I ask quite worried because they have been on the balcony for quite a while now. "Sure." Gwen lifts up her shoulders.

I make my way to the balcony and as I open the door I can clearly see them hugging. Wow, Harry managed to do something I hardly ever can. My dad's hugs are special you can't get them out of the blue on a daily basis. He has hugged me once, on that night when Harry and I got locked up in school. "Um, I came to ask you if you'd like hot chocolate with the movie?" I say awkwardly "Sure." dad says and we make our way to the living room.


After we watched the movie Harry and I went to my room to sleep. "I can't believe you are still alive." I say as I put on my pajamas "Why?" he laughs "My dad when he called you to talk seemed very angry." I explain "Oh right, I just have to tell you that he allowed you to move out with me."

"Really?" I say happily and jump into his arms. "That's amazing!" I say and put a kiss on his cheek "I know right." he smiles and stares at my eyes. "What?" I smile at him "Nothing. I am just admiring your beauty." I can't help but blush. My gaze locks down on my feet "I want to thank you Y/n." he puts his hand on my cheek "What for?" I look at him again "For everything. Since you came in my life everything is been better." he slowly rubs my cheek with his thumb "I have the family I never had. I've found the love of my life." he leans in and kisses me "Thank you." he whispers against my lips.

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