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*Y/n's pov*

Gwen and I were going down the stairs down to the river.

"Hey, we're here!" Peter waves at us. Next to him is a boy who has his back to us. The boy is leanimg over the railing.

"Hi." Gwen hugs Peter.

"What's up Pete?" I say and hug Peter after Gwen.

"I wanted you to meet Harry." The boy only turns his head at us and I freeze "He's my best friend since childhood, we grew up together." Peter pats on Osborn's shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Harry Osborn." He shakes Gwen's hand.

"I'm Gwen. So nice to meet you Harry." she smiles

"Hi, you there." he turns to me. "What's your name?" he smirks.

Is he serious? He's going to pretend he doesn't know me, like he didn't ask me out yesterday?

"I'm Y/n. Gwen's twin sister." we shake hands.

"Wow really? You don't look alike at all."

"It's because we are fraternal twins." i say annoyed and roll my eyes.

"Anyway, how about we go to the scary movie that came out last
week? " Peter got in just in time.

"Sure." Gwen says. Peter grabs her hand and they walk in front of us.

"Do you want to hold my hand?" Harry winks at me.

"No, thank you." i say and start walking.

"It's not like we haven't held hands before." he walks right next to me and winks.

"I'm sorry, Harry Osborn, but we just met, I don't know what you're talking about." i say sarcastically.

"Oh, come on, i don't think you wanted them to know what happened between us."

"I had no problem with them knowing because there was nothing between us. And in fact never will have." as i say Gwen turns her head and smiles at me, i make my best to smile back.

"Wasn't there?" he stops and grabs my shoulder so i stop walking too.

"You are annoying have i told you that before?"

"Probably couple of times." he lifts his shoulders up.

I don't say anything else and start walking faster. This man was about to make me go crazy.

We get to Peter and Gwen who were waiting in front of Harry's car.

We arrive at the cinema. Peter buys two tickets for him and Gwen with popcorn and enters the hall.

"Two tickets for the scary movie, please." Harry leans on the counter "And two large packets of popcorn." The girl behind the counter smiles at him and turns to make the popcorn.

"What do you think you're doing?" i whispers.

"What do i look like i'm doing?" he pulls his wallet out of his pocket.

"Did I ask you to buy me a ticket and popcorn?" i raise eyebrow irritated.

"Do you have to ask me to do so?" he pulls out his credit card and hands it to the girl.

"Yes." I also take out my purse "I want to pay for the one ticket and the packet of popcorn." I hand her some bills.

"Don't listen to her. We'il pay everything with the card." He grabs my wrist and pulls my hand off the counter "Put your money away."

"I don't want to owe you anything." I'm trying to raise my hand to give the money, but he's holding it too hard.

"You're not going to owe me anything." he picks up the tickets and hands me one of the packets of popcorn.

I put my money in my backpack and take the package. Frowning, I walk into the hall next to him. We find our seats in the last row where sits no one but us. We sit down and don't talk again until the movie starts.

"What?" I whisper when I notice Harry looking at me instead of the movie.

"Nothing." he whispers and looks away.

I decide not to deal with him, but just enjoy the movie. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight. Gwen has to be considered special because I'm watching this movie just so I don't ruin her date with Peter. I'm doing this because I know how much she likes him.

"Ah!" I jump out of fear and hide my head in Harry's shoulder. The popcorn I was holding spills on us and on the floor. "Let me know when the scene's over." I grab his hand and squeeze it hard.

"Alright, don't worry." he laughs and i realize what i'm doing.

I get up fast "Uh, i'm sorry."

"It's fine, i like how you're holding my hand right now. In fact it hurts a little." He scratches himself behind his neck.

I look down at my hand, which is still holding his and I pull it right away.

"If you don't want to watch the rest of  the movie, we can wait for Peter and your sister outside or I can take you home." he trys to stand up but i stop him.

"No i'm fine." i lie "Probably i won't sleep tonight but i'm fine." i laugh.

"Okay then." he laughs as well and we continue watching the movie.

Peter and Harry get out of the car with us when we get to the apartment.

Gwen hugs Peter and turns to the two boys "You'd better leave before dad sees you."

I laugh at that because i know how much dad likes Harry.

"What are you laughing at Y/n?" Gwen turns to me.

"Nothing." i raise my hands in defense.

"Yea, Gwen is right. See you on Monday." Peter pats Harry on the shoulder and gets in the car. Gwen, for her part, enters the apartment.

"They're doing it on purpose, aren't they?" I laugh ironically.

"I think they do." Harry looks me in the eyes as if he is looking for something.

"Good night, i guess."

"Night" he says and i turn my back and walk slowly towards the apartment door "Y/n!" he shouts after me and i turn almost immediately.


"It was nice to meet you, Y/n Stacy." he smiles and i can't help myself but blush. It's a good feeling it was dark enough not to notice it.

"It was nice meeting you Harry Osborn." i smile and get into the apartment.

*Harry's pov*

Y/n turns around and walks into the apartment. It really was nice going out with her. She made me feel something nice. "Harry you coming?" Peter shouts from the car "Oh, yes." I turn and go into the car. As soon as we drive off Peter asks "You fancy Y/n, don't you?"

"Hell nah." I lie. I actually did fancy her. A lot! I've known her for so little time and I already fell for her. I can't believe what this girl does to me.

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