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*Y/n's pov*

I smell pancakes. I open my eyes slightly and I see Harry slowly walking into the room with a tray in his hand. "Look who's woken up." he approaches me and I stand up, leaning my back on the headboard of the bed. "Good morning! " I sleepily smile at him. "Morning love." he leans and kisses my forehead.

Harry sits next to me and puts the tray on oure legs, which were touching under the soft, warm cover. "I've never had breakfast in bed before."

"Really? Well I've never cooked pancakes before, so it's a shame you will eat your first breakfast in bed and you might not like it." he smiles awkwardly "It's fine. I'm sure I would love it." I kiss his cheek.

Honestly if someone had told me a month ago that I was going to be in healthy relationship with Harry Osborn I would laugh in their face. Harry has gone from the biggest irritant of my life to the love of my life. I never saw that coming. But I can say I'm quite happy that things turned out that way.

"It's quite nice." I say as I swallow the first bite of the pancake "I'm glad you liked it." he smiles and stands up from the bed. I send him a confused look. "Be right back. I have a few things to do." he leaves the room. I sigh and continue eating my breakfast.

After I was done with my breakfast I took the tray and went down the stairs to the kitchen. There was the house maid. "Good morning." I greet her. "Good morning miss." she smiles. "Would you like me to find you something to wear?" she says and just now I realise that I was wearing nothing but Harry's T-shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realise I was wearing only a T-shirt." I say embarrassed. "No need to apologise miss." she returns to doing her job. I put the tray down on the countertop and I begin putting the dishes into the dishwasher. "Oh, miss please leave it to me" the elderly lady comes to me and trys to get the plates from my hands. "No no it's fine." I don't let go of off them. "Please that's my job I will do it." she gets the plates off of my hands and loads the dishwasher. "Okay then." I leave the kitchen and go back to Harry's bedroom.

It's strange, isn't it? Everything was amazing when I had just woken up but now I could feel my stomach filling up with melancholy.

I started tiding up Harry's room. I made the bed, put the books which were all over the floor into his bookshelf. I hovered the floors.

I was all done and he still was nowhere to be seen. I decided to leave I backed my bag and just as I closed the front door Harry finally decided to show up.

Without saying a word I try to pass him but he grabs my hand and pulls me close to himself "Hey, where are you going?" he leans to kiss me on the lips but back of "What happened?" he asks shamelessly. What happened, are you fucking kidding me? I want to scream in his face but I hold myself back. I just try to leave again but he steps in front of me. "Darling what's wrong?" he looks me in the eye. "Nothing, " I simply reply "I just want to go home." I might be bitching right now but he left me alone for couple of hours without telling me anything. "I thought you might want to spend the day with me." so did I, I thought. "Y/n look I'm sorry." he holds my hands in his. "I really didn't ment to upset you." he kisses my right hand. "It's okay." I smile at him. At the end of the day I shouldn't be bitching about something so unimportant. "What do you want to do?" I ask "I thought maybe we could make pizza together and then eat it in our bedroom." he wraps his hands around my waist "Our bedroom?" I can't help myself but blush "Yes, our bedroom. And maybe we can listen to music while doing that."

While holding hands we walked back into the house. We went into the kitchen "Where do we start?" I say and wash my hands "From here," he grabs me by the waist and puts me onto the counter "You will sit here and I will make amazing pizza for you." he turns around but I grab his hand and pull him closer to myself. He sends me a confused look. I wrap my legs around his lower waist and my hands around his neck. He smirks and I press my lips against his. "Maybe we could leave the pizza for later," he lifts my skirt up and my panties to the side "I'm really hungry for you." he knelts in front of me and starts doing circles with his tump on the inside of my tigh. He kisses his way to my cunt and starts liking and suckling it then he inserts a finger into me. He starts pumping it in and out "Oh my God." I moan. His smirk gets even bigger and he inserts one more finger into me and he continues pumping even faster. I arch my back and my eyes roll back " I'm close." I grab his hair pulling him even closer to myself. I cum in his mouth and he swallows it. "Well we can eat the pizza some other time." he holds me in his arms and goes to his room.

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