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*Y/n's pov*

Today is the gradulation and after that the ball. I'm pretty excited. I'm going to be free of school. And most importantly I won't see Mr Kevinson ever again.

Gwen and I were ready and Harry just came to pick us up. "Looking amazing." he smiles as we sit in the car. "You look breath-taking." he whispers to me. "Thank you." I smile and can't help myself and blush.

We arrive at our university. The principal made his speech and gave us our diplomas. We took some photos and left. Nothing interesting. But the ball for sure was going to be more interesting.

The ballroom is decorated in gold. It looks unique. Everyone is with their partner dressed in elegant suits or stunning dresses. Gwen and Peter decided to come together. After so many years they finally talked about their feeling for each other.

"Can I get a dance?" a guy asks me. I swear I see him for the first time. "No, you can't." Harry steps between us "She will dance with me, right?" he smirks at me. "Sorry." I awkwardly smile at the guy and head to the dance flor with Harry.

Once we arrive he puts his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulders. We look each other in the eyes. Now it's only him and I. The world stops spinning and everything disappears. "You two are going to sit here forever?" Mr Kevinson gets us out of our trans. "Oh, shit." I whisper "Language!" the teacher says trying to keep his cool.

We go back at our seats. "I'm bored." I say to my friends. "So am I." Gwen sighs "Do you guys want to go smoke some weed?" I say with a smirk on my face "Of course." Peter drinks his drink at one take "Sure, we can buy some beer." Harry adds. "Gwen are you coming?" I turn to my twin. "Uh, If I don't come, who'll take you home?" she rolls her eyes and smiles.

We head to Harry's car. Gwen and Peter sit at the back. We stop at a shop to buy some beer and cigarettes. Then I call a friend of mine and our weed is waiting for us.

We decide to stop and sit at a park. I sit on the swing Gwen sit on Peter's lap, who is sitting on the other swing. Harry leans on the bar that the swings are hang on. "Here." I give the joint to Harry. "Thank you love." he winks at me. "Now that's what I call a good celebration." I take a big sip from my beer. Harry hands the joint to Peter. "Agree." Harry kisses me.

"For getting rid of Mr Kevinson." I raise a toast "For getting rid of Mr Kevinson!" my friends follow my example. "Cheers!" I take a sip from my beer.

After a few more beers we are already drunk and the deep talks start. Well at least those talks are deep for us.

"I always wondered what feeling I am." I say and swing slowly. "I'd say you are that feeling when you smoke on the roof while listening to cigarettes after sex." Peter says "I think you are that feeling when it's hot summer night and it's raining." Gwen smiles and I nod "Fair enough."

"I believe you are just like that feeling when you know a thunderstorm is about to start after a long hot day." Harry says after a long silence break.
"What do you mean?" I ask quite confused "You know your eyes are like lightning and sometimes it feels like people can't look at you because of it. I believe you feel like you don't fit in. You feel like you aren't good enough, but believe me you are more than just enough. You are always filled to the top with emotions that you hide unnaturally well. When you are angry, nobody dares to come too close to you, they always stay a safe distance away and you keep them there. "

My eyes fill up whit tears. Not sad tears don't get me wrong. These tears are from happiness "Oh, Harry." I wipe them away "That's the most beautiful thing someone ever told me. Prehaps the most beautiful thing someone ever thought of me." I hug him really tight. "That's not true Y/n. Everyone who sees you things the same way."

After the little talk is over we decide to go and get tattooes. The tattoo artists at first doesn't want to agree because we look high but after he heard Harry's name he agreed. "I want Harry's name right here." I show him the place taht I want. "You sure?" he asks "Yes." I nod "There hurts a lot." he warns me. "I'm sure, do it already!" I pull up my dress. He gets ready and starts to tattoo Harry's name a little below my V line. On the little radio stars play 505 by the Artic Monkeys.

I believe after months or years maybe, I wouldn't be able to listen to this song and don't remember that beautiful night. I am willing to keep all this memories in a short 4 minutes and 13 seconds song. Because after time passes by this song can be the only thing left. If something happens and we are no longer together I will know that deep inside this song the memories will be buried and will be waiting for me to take them on the surface. To give them life again.

Hey, everyone! I just wanted to apologise for this chapter. The chapter is a bit boring I know. I'll try to make it up for you in the next chapters. I just don't have any muse to write but I wanted to upload on time. Thank you so much for reading this far. I promise the new chapters will be so much better.

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