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*Y/n's pov*

I was staring at the train that was approaching me. I was about to leave New York. I was feeling sad for not saying even goodbye to Harry, but there was nothing I could do now. The train stopped. I remembered everything that happened in my home city. Sure I had bad times here, but the good once were much more. I guess everything has its ending.

*Harry Osborn's pov*

Electro and I were in front of Oscorp. I guess that's the end of an era. If I can't have Oscorp no one can. Thanks to that super costume I have strength to give the ending this place deserves. "Let's do this!" I give Electro a sigh and here we go. I shoot bombs from the sleeves of the my costume. Soon after cries from fear fill up my ears, its like music. "Max once we are done here we should go to the electric charge of the city, so you can gather strength." I say as we continue killing and ruining. As I do all of this I don't think even for a second, but when I saw her it clicked. She was scared and was trying to get out of here alive   "Felicia run!" I shouted. She looked at me with her beautiful eyes now filled up with fear "Go!" I cried. She came closer to me and hugged me "Stay safe." she put a kiss on my cheek and ran away. I stood there paralyzed. "Let's go." I shouted to Electro and now we were making our way to the city generator.

*Y/n's pov*

I was walking, the city felt odd. A person ran next to me and almost knocked me down. He was shouting something. I took my earphones off, so I could hear him. "Electro and the Green Elf. Run!". Oh shit! Now I wished I left. I know who Electro is, but Green Elf? What the fuck was happening here? I was so confused then I saw Peter and Gwen, I ran to them.

"Guys what's happening?" I asked "Wait weren't you supposed to be on your way to California?" Gwen asked I ignored her question "We have more important problems right now. There are some villains here and I think we really need spider man." I turn to Peter with out any questions he started running. "What should we do?" Gwen asks. I think for a good minute and then it hits me "We are at the part of the city were the generator is and Electro comes that way, we need to stop him before he gets to the generator. If we don't manage to stop him the whole population of the city will die." I explained to Gwen and started running to our destination.

Once we arrived Peter was already there along with the police. We ran up to him "What should we do?" I asked him "Leave!" he said nervously "What? NO!" Gwen and I said in the same time "It's dangerous! Go! Now!" he shouted "Too late." I point to Electro and the mystery man next to him. As they come closer I see those beautiful grayish eyes. My stomach drops. I couldn't believe my eyes. "Run." Peter shouts to us and goes to safe our city like always. They start fighting and it didn't seem like spider man was winning "We need to help him." I say "How?" Gwen asks as we hide behind a building "Prehaps we can distract the green elf, so Peter can deal only with one villain." as I say Gwen's face tells me really clearly that she doesn't want to do that "If you don't want to help its fine. Just try to stay safe." I said and ran towards the green elf.

I once used to know him as an asshole then I used to call him lover and now... Now I don't know. It feels strange seeing him like that. He looked scary, but I knew who he really was and there was nothing scary about him. Well at least he used to be the world's least scary person. Now everything has changed, everything was different.

"Hey you Crackhead!" I shouted and he looked at me.

*Harry Osborn's pov*

"Hey you Crackhead!" I hear familiar voice, so familiar that it hurts. I turn to look at her. She stood there in her full glory as beautiful as always. "If you want to catch a spider you should first catch me." she said and started running. Even in that situation she found way to talk to me. I followed her. She went in the big clock building.

She was sitting on the floor and I could see the tears in her eyes. It hurt me seeing her like that. She used to be happy before I got in her life. It's sad knowing I ruined her life maybe forever. "What happened to you Harry?" she got up and approached me "or should I call you green elf?" she said with disgust in her voice "Who are you?" I couldn't say anything. "I can't recognize you anymore." as she said a tear roller down her cheek and she wiped it away.

*Y/n's pov*

"I can't recognize you anymore." I wiped away my tears. I wasn't crying because I was sad, I was crying because I was angry with him. He was saying nothing. He was just standing there looking into my soul and saying absolutely nothing. "Say something you fucker!" I cried "Am I so unimportant to you that you don't even want to talk to me?" I hit him on the chest "Let's run away Y/n." was the only thing he said "What?" I whispered, I couldn't believe my ears "Come with me. Let's run away." he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me closer to himself. "Leave her alone." Gwen walked in with a gun in her hand. "Gwen?" I turned to face her "Let her go." she shouted to Harry and pointed the gun towards him "Gwen don't do anything stupid. Put that gun down." she completely ignored me "Gwen." I shouted she was getting ready to shoot. Her finger wrapped around the trigger just as she was about to pull it I ran in front of Harry and then I heard her shoot. I felt sharp pain and fell down. Everything started getting blurry and their voices started getting quieter and quieter. Then everything went black.

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