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*Y/n's pov*

I open my eyes, shocked that I slept that comfortable. I stand up lightly and then the reality punches me with all its power. Harry tightens his grip around my waist because of my movement. "Just a few more minutes." his horsey morning voice fills up the room. My cheeks float red. "We are going to be late for school." I say trying to stand up "Who cares about school." He gets closer to me and buries his head in a place between my neck and shoulder. "Our first class is with Mr. Kevinson. You don't want us to get detention again, do you?" I grit my teeth because of the thought of what happened last time. "Oh, okay." he lets go off of my waist. I stand up and run my hands over my hair and take my backpack. "Chill, we won't be late." he goes into his closet. "Let's go down to have breakfast." he says after he comes out of the closet. He is wearing on of his fancy suits that he normaly wears to school. "Yea, okay." i say and leave the room.

We sit down in the kitchen and the maid puts food on the kitchen island in front of us. We start eating quietly. After a few minutes I check the time and immediately stand up. "Shit, we have ten minutes to arrive at school, or we are going to be late." Harry stands up and we leave the house. We quickly get in his car and Harry drives off.

We enter the school and run up the stairs. We were already late with ten minutes. Harry was leaving far away from school. I'm actually surprised that we managed to come in time for the first class. Yea, a few minutes late but since i'm with Harry I don't think Mr. Kevinson will have any problem.

Harry opens the classroom door and we walk in. The room goes quiet immediately. Mr. Kevinson smirks at us from his desk. "Why were you in a hurry to come?" he stands up "You shouldn't have come at all, we didn't want to ruin your date." the class bursts into laughing. "Detention for you two after your classes." he sits back in his seat.

Harry and I exchange awkward glances and sit in our seats. For the rest of the class we don't talk at all.

"Y/n, are you coming?" Peter asks as i close my locker. "No, I have detention." I say "Well, at least are you coming home to night?" Gewn asks quite worried "No, I'm not. I'm so angry with dad, but don't worry i'm staying at Harry's. You can tell him so he won't worry." I turn around and walk to the detention classroom.

There was only the teacher and a boy. The boy, I actually don't know really well. I don't know him at all. I just know that he is always in trouble and all the girls run after him. He is tall, skinny and looks like he hasn't slept for centuries. I mean we clearly can tell why the girls love him, but he is mean, arrogant and selfish. Big ass trouble maker, too.

"Miss Stacy, welcome! Sit down." the teacher says and i do so. As I start pulling my books out of my bag the boy approaches me. "Hi, beauty!" he leans towards me. "Hi." i respond awkwardly. "Mark Lucas." he smirks "Y/n Stacy." I smile "Yea, i know." he leans even more. We are really close to each other, almost kissing. The door opens and i turn my head to look who it is. "Mr Osborn, welcome. Please sit down and keep quiet." the teacher looks back at her book and puts on her headphones. Mark grabs my chin and I find myself facing him once again. Harry with quick steps approaches us and pulls Mark away from me. "What the fuck, dude!?" Mark pushes Harry "What are you doing that close to my girl?" Harry asks angrily "Wait, i'm not your girl." I say "I can stay as close as i want to whatever i want!" Mark grins at Harry. "Oh, yea?" Harry punches him right in the eye. I stand up immediately and step between them. "Hey, what are you doing?" I push them both away from each other "Showing him, his place." Harry rolls his eyes "What for?" I turn to face him "He was way too close to you." he responds "So what? You are not my boyfriend, I can decide who i want to be close to me and who not. Who are you to decide for me?"

"Haha, dude she clearly wants me more than you, so just butt out." Mark smirks. " Mark shut up! I don't want you" i say to him "neither you." i turn to Harry. I sit in my seat and start doing my homework. The only good thing about the detentions is that i have plenty of time to study.


As our detention was over we walk down the stairs slowly. Harry goes to his car and Mark to his. They have parked really close to each other. Only one parking spot was separating their cars. Harry looks at me and says "Okay Y/n, let's go." I stay between the two boys "Thank you Harry, but I'm not coming with you."

"You can come to my place if you want?" Mark says and opens the door of the passenger seat. Normaly i wouldn't go with Mark, but i just want to make Harry jealous. I don't know why. It's just fun. Without saying anything I get in Mark's car. "See ya later, loser." Mark grins and gets in the car. I look at Harry. He is mad. Really mad! He aggressively opens his car door and gets in. He looks back at me. I could see that he is jealous. Just in plan.

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