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*Y/n's povs*

I slowly open my eyes. I turn to the side to face Harry but he isn't there, his side of the bed is empty. As I sit the door opens and Harry walks in with food tray in his hands.

"Look who finally has woken up." he smiles. "Good morning." I smile back "I made you breakfast." he sits next to me and puts the tray between us. "Did you sleep well?" he asks "Yea, really good. Your bed is very comfortable."

"I'm happy to hear that." he hands me one of the toasts and gets the other one for himself. "Thank you!" I take a bite. He only smiles but after that his face drops. "What happened?" I ask "Nothing, I don't want to ruin your day." he responds sadly "No, it's fine. Please tell me I might be able to help." I insist. "Are you sure, tho?" he looks me in the eye "Yes." I say shortly "This morning my dad died." he says and his eyes fill up with tears. I don't know what to say. Actually I don't know if i'm supposed to say anything. "I'm so sorry for your lost." I put away the tray between us and hug him. "It's not much of a lost." he says "What do you mean?" I let go off of him. "Now that he is gone i actually have to deal with Oscorp."

"Well that's not that bad, i guess." I try to keep the mood up. "He was never a good father, but at least when he was alive I didn't have to deal with Oscorp." he sighs. "What about your mother, can't she take over Oscorp?" i ask "My mother is dead."

"Oh, i'm so sorry i didn't know."

"It's okay. Since my mother died when I was 15 I never got love from my father. He stopped paying attention to me even talking to me. That's why i was in Europe. He sent me there to be away from him. He couldn't stand me." I could see anger in his eyes "I felt and still feel unloveble." I hug him once again, but this time really tight "Don't say that. You aren't unloveble." he laughes from pain "Oh, really? How so?" I can't stop myself and the words just leave my mouth "Because I'm falling in love with you." he pulls away and looks me in the eyes "Are you serious right now?" he tries his best to don't smile "Yes, i am." I smile "At least something good happened today." he smiles and hugs me. After we separate from each other he says "Can I be your boyfriend?"

"Hm, I have to think about that." I scratch my jaw. "Hey, don't play with me!" he pushes my shoulder slightly "Okay okay! I would love to." I smile and he leans forward and kisses me. "You won't regret it. I'm going to make you the happiest person alive. I'm going to give you all my love." he stands up and kisses my hand "Well, i hope so." I smile at him "I would love to spend today with you but in a few hours is going to be my dads funeral."

"I can come with you. You know I want to be next to you not only at your best but at your worst." I look him in the eye "Okay then." We get in his car and go home to change into appropriate clothes.

I'm glad we're over hating each other. He's attractive and I really trust him to make me happy he sounded sincere.

*Neutral viewpoint*

As they bury Mr. Osborn's coffin, the weather changes unexpectedly. As if the universe knows of the death of this great man and cries along with them, the many people at the funeral.

It's pouring. The wind comes out, ruffles the hair of the people crying in front of the grave. It's a good thing their tears merge with the rain and it doesn't look like they're crying. Most importantly, Harry's tears are not visible.

He feels 15 again. He feels just like the day he lost his mother. It was pouring at her funeral as well. He feels as lonly as then.

But this time he isn't alone. Y/n puts her hand in his and holds it tight. She lets him know that he isn't alone, not this time. This time Harry has shoulder to cry on.

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