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*Third person's pov*

In Y/n's family's apartment, things weren't the best. Her father was dying of anger over why Y/n is not home and why here phone is here. Gwen and their mom were trying to calm him down. They had already spoken to the police but nothing. They spoke to the teachers and agreed to meet in their apartment. Mr. Kevinson and Mrs. Martinez arrived less than ten minutes ago. George Stacy tells them to sit on the kitchen table.

"When was the last time you saw  
Y/n?" George asks and leans on the table "In class." mr Kevinson says and tooks a sip from his water "In the detention room. Mr. Kevinson had punished her with the new student. I had to leave urgently and then I do not know." the lady also drinks from her water.

The door opens and closes so quickly. "I'm here, Mr. George." Peter walks into the kitchen. "You're welcome, Peter, sit!" Peter does what he's told. "I saw Y/n in the library before the class before the last class, I don't know anything." Peter says fast. "You can go." mr Stacy says "No, I can stay to help." Peter stands up and stands next to Gwen "No need, Peter, you've helped enough." the mother of Gwen and Y/n, Helen Stacy says and smiles at him. "I'd like to stay. And what if see is still at school? No one saw her going out of there." Peter asks. "That's a good idea, boy. I'm starting to like you, Peter." George grabs the car keys and walks towards the front door. "Mr. Kevinson, would you come with me to unlock the school?" The teacher stood up and went after Y/n's father.

After arriving outside school, George runs towards the door with a lantern in his hand. From the light that comes inside Harry wakes up and pats Y/n. "Y/n get up they found us. Somebody found us!" Harry walks towards the door "Yes, that's my father!" Y/n stands by him. "We are here!" she shouts. Her father takes the key from the teacher and opens the door. When the door is open to the end Y/n jumps into her father's arms "Are you all right, my dear?" She doesn't let him go "I was so scared. It's a good feeling Harry was here or I wouldn't have come out alive." When she realized what she just said, she backed away. "I think you're Harry. I'm Y/n's father, George Stacy." He shakes Harry's hand  "Nice to meet you sir. I'm Harry Osborn." Harry smiles "Do you need a ride, kid?" Mr. Stacy offers once they get to the car "It would be good actually." The teacher climbs into the seat in front and Harry and Y/n climb out the back. "If you leave me at home first, I'd appreciate it." says mr Kavinson "What a teacher you are, there's a kid in the back seat who hasn't been home in a long time what if his parents were worried?" George gets mad at the teacher and almost gets him out of the car "No problem, sir, i don't think my dad cares." Harry says just in time "What about your mother?" Mr. Stacy looks at him from the rearview mirror "I don't have a mother." Harry sounds like he doesn't care, but everyone in the car knows that this is the worst thing to happened to a person. "All right, then."

The car takes off. After leaving the teacher they go to Harry's house and stop in front of the huge mansion. "Do you want me to talk to your father Harry?" George turns around to face him "No, you don't need to, i don't think he noticed I was gone." Harry smiles and puts his hand on the door knob "All right, then good night, kid. I hope to see you again."

And the car once more takes off. Y/n was sitting in the back seat all the time wondering how her dad liked this boy. Usually her father never likes boys. He is still not used to a friendship between Peter Parker and her and her sister. Maybe he liked Harry Osborn because he looks great like a good boy. Maybe it's because he didn't know what kind of dickhead he was. "What a nice boy, don't you think Y/n?" she starts playing with her fingers on her hand. "i don't know, him, he's new." Y/n says "Yes, but you had plenty of time to get to know him." Her father smiles and gets out of the car "I didn't pay attention to him, I had to study." She says after she gеts off "Why? Don't you think if you are friends with him it would be okay. He is new he doesn't have friends." he opens the front door "No, I don't think so. He can go and make friends."

Before her father starts telling her new nonsense, she quickly walks into her room and locks the door. She is lucky to have the room with a separate bathroom. The only room with such. Y/n leans against the door and remembers everything that happened today with Harry. She can't help herself but smile. She pulls away from the door and enters the bathroom. While preparing for a quick shower in the pocket of her jeans she finds the note. "Dickhead!" she looks at it and puts it on the sink.

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