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*Y/n's pov*

Mark opens his apartment door and let's me in "Ladies first." he smirks "Thank you." I smile at him and get inside. His apartment looks really nice. It is decorated mainly in white and black. There's not much furniture and it is minimalistic. We sit in the living room on the couch. He starts his favorite movie on the TV and we order pizza. I was a little worried when I came but at the moment everything was fine. Mark is a really nice person. The pizza arrived and as we are eating Mark approaches me and sits really close to me. "You're not sorry for choosing me over Harry, are you?" he puts his hand on my thigh. This makes me shudder. I didn't expect him to get so close. "I didn't choose you over Harry." I leave my slice of pizza in the box "Oh, come on. You chose me over him otherwise why would you come with me and not him." he grabs a strand of my hair and wraps it between his fingers. "Honestly, I don't know why I came with you." I pull away from him "You sure know why, don't be ashamed you can tell me." he gets closer to me once again. "Yea, actually! I was mad at Harry that's why I came with you, but i'm leaving now. Thank you for the pizza!" I stand up. Things are very awkward and I want to leave instantly. "You're not going anywhere! The fun is just beginning." He grabs my wrist and pulls me to sit back on the couch. He leans over me and starts kissing my neck. I try to push him but he holds me too hard. He sticks his hand under my T-shirt and with the other he tries to unbutton his pants. Found the moment, I bite his neck and stand up when he bends in pain. I grab my backpack and walk out of the apartment like a flash. I start running with all my strength. When I'm a few streets away from his apartment, I stop and sit on the trutoire. I take out my phone and call the first person who comes to mind.

*Harry's pov*

Angry at the fact that Y/n got into Mark's car, I decide to follow them. You can't trust Mark Lucas. They park in front of an apartment and they both go inside. "This son of a bitch lives here, I suppose." I stop the car.

After an hour, I'm tired of waiting and decide to leave. As I'm a few streets away, my phone rings. "Y/n?" I'm in shock as I look at the screan. "Y/n, what happened?" I pick up. "Harry can you please come here, I sent you my location." I hear her voice "On my way." I open the message that she has sent me and turn the car. The street she is at is one street behind.

I get there and find her looking around worried. I get off of the car and approach her. Before I could even open my mouth she jumps into my arms and hugs me. I'm surprised in really good way. She steps back and looks down at her feet. "What happened, you got bored from Mark?" I decide to joke around. Well, she isn't in her best mood, I guess. She slaps me hard. "Wow." I say because it actually hurt "I knew I shouldn't have called you." she starts walking. "Hey, i was just kidding! What happened." I'm catching up with her, and only now do I notice she has cried. "Y/n what happened?" I stop her. She looks up at me and brusts into tears. "Please take me away from here." she says between tears. "Okay darling don't worry." I carry her to the car and head off to my place. She cries and shakes on the seat. I put my hand on her thigh and rub it with my tumb, trying to comfort her, but that makes her cry even more so I take off my hand.

I stop the car in front of my house and head inside with Y/n in my arms. She cries even harder and hugs me tight. We get into my room and I let her sit on my bed. I sit next to her and rub her back and Y/n rests her head on my shoulder. "What happened Y/n?" I whispere she doesn't respond "Did Mark do something?" she swallows and says "He tried to" she stops for a moment "he tried to rappe me." she finally finishes and brusts into tears once again. My anger level rises to 100 but I try to keep my cool. "He didn't do anything to you, did he?" I say worried "He kissed my neck and tried to touch my boobs." he cries "Oh, darling don't cry." I wipe away her tears with my tumbs "You're safe now." I kiss her head "As long as I'm with you, no one will be able to do anything to you." I say and she calms down a little bit. "Thank you for being next to me Harry." she hugs me "I'm so sorry for not coming with you and acting terrible towards you." I rub her back and say "Hey, it's okay don't be sorry. Come on, let's go to sleep you are really tired." I say and as she nods slowly I help her take of her shoes "Harry can you give me something comfortable to wear?" she asks me without looking at me "Yes of course." I walk into my closet. "Here." I hand her a T-shirt and tracksuits. "Do you want me to bring you water or something?"

"Water is fine." she smiles and I leave the room. When I got the water I head back and knock on the door. "Come in." I hear Y/n's vocie and i slowly walk in. "Okay, here is your water." I put the glass of water on the bedside table and as I make my way out of the room Y/n says "Where are you going?" I stop and turn to face her "To the guests room, I don't want to be in your way. You are tired and I suppose you may need some time for yourself." Y/n smiles  "Oh, can't you stay with me tonight?" her smile goes away "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." Y/n nervously scratches her neck "Yea, don't worry it's fine I want to stay with you anyways." I smile and make my way to the bed. She follows my example and lies down next to me. I cover us with the blanket and Y/n comes closer and puts her head on my chest and her legs between mine. I can't explain how happy I'm feeling because Y/n's finally over her hating me phase. Now I can finally give her all my love and show her my carrying side.

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