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*Y/n's pov*

Harry knocks on the door and a faintly parched voice responds "Come in!" he opens the door and makes me sign to come in first.

The room strongly smells of preparations and drugs. Mr Osborn lies on a bed in the middle of the room and he is connected to a machine which is measuring his pulse.

"Good evening, Mr Osborn." as i say Harry closes the door.

"Good evening." mr Osborn responds "I'm glad that before I die, I have the honor of meeting Harry's girlfriend."

"Oh, no sir" I try to say, but Harry pinches my arm, and I shut up.

"I'm glad you dumped that model. She was only going to get you in trouble. You was every day on the news." Mr Osborn coughs.

"Wow, Dad. I'm surprised! For the first time you actually liked my girlfriend." as Harry says the last word he winks at me.

"Honestly i can't belive that girl like her is really dating you." i smile at Mr Osborn's words. "What was your name again?"

"My name is Y/n Stacy, sir." i shortly say.

"Oh, Stacy? I belive i know your father George Stacy the police officer. And no need to call me sir. You are my
son's girlfriend i hope one day wife, too." as Mr Osborn says i try to don't laugh. "I hope not." i whisper under my breath.

"Excuse me, what did you say?"

"Um, i said i hope so. I really love your son he is amazing." i lie and smile at Harry. He tries to don't roll his eyes.

"I truly belive that you are with my son for love and not money. Perhaps you are the first and only one." Mr Osborn tries to smile at me but he once again coughs.

"Yes, sir. I love your son so much that i'm willing to do anything for him." I get too carried away in my role.

"You know I don't have much time to live. If i'm lucky i if i have one more weak." He takes a break to cough "I'd love you to come see me this week, I really liked you. I want to get to know you, i need to know when I'm gone who's going to keep an eye on my son."

"Don't worry, sir your son is in safe hands." i smile.

"Okay okay. Dad you will see her tomorrow now we have some work to do." Harry pulls me buy my arm out of the room.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I shout as he pulls me to his room. "Are you fucking crazy?" i say as he looks the room.

"What was that?" he ask.

"What was that?!" I repeat annoyed "I have to ask you! I wasn't the one who told your father we were dating."

"But you enjoyed the idea a lot." he smirks "You just said you wanted to get married."

"Oh really?" i roll my eyes "Do you think I'd need to say this if you hadn't lied about being a couple?"

"Maybe you shouldn't have gone that far?" he lift his eyebrows up.

"It's your fault Harry Osborn!"

"It's not only my fault Y/n Stacy!"

We both look at each other angrily. I try to don't punch him in the face. As i open my mouth my phone rings.

"Hello, dad!" i pick up. "Yea sure i'm coming." I put my phone in my pocket and turn to face Harry "Open the door i have to leave."

"What's the magic word?" he smirks

"Open the mother fucking door or i will tell your dad the truth." i go closer to him and whisper.

He rolls his eyes and opens the door. "After you madam." i leave the room and go down the stairs with the speed of light.

I get out of the house and get my phone to call an uber.

"I can drive you home." Harry comes after me and opens his car "Won't take money i promise." he winks at me which makes me roll my eyes.

"Fuck off Osborn!" i call the uber but no one picks the phone up.

"My offer still applies." He opens the door to the passenger seat and leans on the car.

"Uh, only because i have to get home on time." i say and get into the car. Harry closes the door and sits in his seat. We drive off.

We get to my apartment and Harry is in a hurry to open the door for me. I get out of the car.

"Shit!" i whisper as i see my dad's car stopping after Harry's car. He gets of off his car and approaches me.

"Oh, how good to see you again Harry." he hugs Harry and I'm in total shock.

"So good to see you too, Mr. Stacy." Harry smiles.

"Finally I caught you here why don't you come up for dinner, and then we can watch a game together?" my dad asks and i want to die at that moment.

"I'm afraid he can't. He said that he has a lots of work to do." i say and look at Harry so he can get the hint.

"No, i actually don't have work. I'd love to have dinner with you and your family, sir." he smiles at me knowing that this drives me crazy.

"Oh, perfect then! Come on Harry." my dad says and walks towards the flat.

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