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*Y/n's pov*

As I prepare for school, I can't escape the fact that I notice Osborn's stupid note on my toilet sink.

I take the piece of paper between my fingers. When I realize I'm smiling way too much, I quickly throw the note on the sink and i leave my bathroom.

"You're finally ready!" Gewn hands me a sandwich when I walk into the kitchen.

"Yea, let's go." I grab my coffee from the table and leave the house.

As Gwen and I walk to school in pleasant silence, she asks.

"Are you okay Y/n?"

"I'm just fine." I took a sip from my coffee and smile "I love coffee so much." i nod.

"I'm serious."

"I'm serious as well Gwen."

Before we have time to say anything else, a car suddenly stops in front of us. The window of the passenger seat lowers down.

"What the fuck." i step back and hold Gwen by her shoulder.

"Girls do you need a ride?" Says Harry with his stupid smirk on his face.

"No!" i say.

"Yes." Gwen says at the same time with me.

"Oh come Y/n. It looks like it's going to start raining any minute."

"Gwen, if you want, go with Osborn, but I'm not getting in his car." I bypass the car and cross the street.

"Y/n, you're going to get wet."Harry shouts after me.

"Why do you care?" i stop and shout back at him.

Harry doesn't say anything for a few seconds he thinks about it. "I don't." he finally speaks.

"Good." I turn around and start walking. I can hear his car door opening and closing then his engine growls and they drive away.


I'm entering my first class, lucky for me, Mr. Kevinson's class. Again, a few minutes late.

"Miss Stacy you are here. I thought i won't see you today. I was almost happy. " The professor grins at me ironically and I try my best not to roll my eyes "Since I see why you're late, you're excused, sit down."

"Thank you sir." I say and drag my wet ass to my desk. I drop my soaked backpack on the ground and pull out my even more soaked textbook.

I get my wet hair in a ponytail. I try to take notes of what the teacher was explaining with his back to the class writing on the board. But I can feel warm fingers touching my cold neck.

"I told you you'd get wet." Harry whispered in my ear and my whole body warmed up suddenly.

"And then you told me you didn't care." I whispered, trying to keep my equanimity.

"Maybe I lied a little bit." He pushed his fingers under the collar of my blouse and touched my collarbone.

"Don't touch me."

He pulls his hand right away "Someday you will pray for this hand to touch every part of your body."

"Only in your sweetest dreams Osborn." i roll my eyes.

"I love it when you roll your eyes." he smirks.

"Mr. Osborn please stop chatting." For the first time, i am grateful to Mr. Kevinson.

"Excuse me sir."

*Harry's pov*

After school, Peter and I decided to hang out with my car just the two of us. We wanted to catch up on the time we didn't see each other for one reason or another.

"So Pete, how's it going with Gwen?" I ask him when we sit at a table in the corner of McDonald's.

"I don't know, man. I feel like we're both not sure if we want to be friends or lovers. It's complicated." He takes a sip from his coke.

"I feel like you're going to be a perfect couple." i take a sip from my coke "But one thing for sure, i don't do complicated." I shake my head and smile.

"You sure man? Aren't things pretty complicated between you and Y/n?" Peter laughs and bites his burger.

"No, there's nothing between us, so nothing is complicated" I take a big bite from my burger.

Peter raises his head with a smirk on his face "It doesn't look like that."

"But it is just like that." i say "She can't stand me neither do I."

"If you say so." Peter says with 'I don't believe in shit you say' look.

*Y/n's pov*

"He drives me crazy." i sit on my bed with Gwen.

"I still don't understand why Harry pretended yesterday that you didn't know each other." Gwen sips from her hot chocolate.

" I didn't understand too, so I asked him when you were walking in front of us. He said ' i don't think you wanted them to know what happened between us.' " i mocke "There was nothing between us."

"Judging by what you told me, there was something between you two." Gwen smirks and i roll my eyes. "I know you're afraid to get attached to him, but"

"There's no but Gwen. I'm sure he'il leave me, and then I'il be the one who's suffering."

"I feel like Harry won't do that." she grabs my hand in both of hers.

"I can't trust him." i turn my head to the other side so i won't face her.

"But Y/n what if Harry makes you happy, what if he's a great partner, what if he really loves you?" she smiles warmly.

"But what if he leaves me if he breaks my heart? He can't love me, Gwen, we've known each other for very little time."

"Come on, Y/n, think on the bright side. Not all men are jurks."

"Oh, yes they are." I say annoyed.

"I'm sorry. But just think about it how you and Harry walk around school, how you go on dates, how you watch movies and cuddle. "

"Why don't you do all this with Peter?" I'm trying to take the subject away from myself "He likes you for sure."

"Y/n!" Gwen can't help but blush and i laugh.

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