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*Harry Osborn's pov*

I was furious with Y/n and that stupid spider. It felt like the whole world was against me, but I don't have time to worry about any of that bullshit. I'm dying and I have to do something immediately.

I made my way to Oscorp. I was in my office and I was just pouring myself some whiskey when Felicia walked in. "Mr Osborn." she approaches me "You alright? Is there anything that I could get you or?" she started asking. I drank my glass of whiskey in one breath and responded "No, unless you can bring those spiders backs to live." I say "Spiders?" she asks confused "The ones that they destroyed." I laugh out of agony and pour myself some more alcohol. "Go home Felicia take the day off!" I said and started walking away "Harry!" she said behind me I stopped "I think there might be another way to get what you are looking for." as she says I turn to face her "I overheard Menken talking with one of our security heads." now she caught my attention "Before they destroyed the spiders, they had the venom extracted." I opened the bottom I was holding "Uh, what?" I say in unbelieve "What are you saying?" I approach her "That way, they could comply with the lawsuits, but still keep the date in case it ever become useful." now we were so close to each other almost kissing "Where is it?" I almost whisper. My voice became low. "It's somewhere in the building. It's somewhere off-books called 'Special Projects'." she said finally. A silence filled up the room. She was staring in my eyes and I could see the worry in hers. "Thank you Felicia! You can go now."

As soon as she left the room I pulled out of my pocket a flash drive. I put it on the smart table and began surching for the file. Just as I saw Electro my door opened.

"He is busy. You can't go in there. He's busy." Felicia tried to stop the men from coming in. I immediately stood up from my chair. "What did you do?" I asked Manken "The more irrelevant question is what did you do?" he responded to my question with a question. "An employee is killed and in your first action as CEO, you covered it up." he lied without even blinking "No, you covered it up. Then you buried him in the bughouse using my name." I said angrily. "Ravencroft is a timetown institution devoted to mental improvement." he kept his calm which made me even more angrier. "You are experimentimg on people in there." I started approaching him with fast steps, but the guards that were with him held me. "Progress has its stepping stones. Now, in light of your deceptive criminal action, you're been... How do I put this gently? Fired." I was about to explode but I decided to keep my cool "You are not going to bury me too."

"Looks to me like you're halfway in the ground already. It's only a matter of time. You're going to die a horrible death. Like your father. But with a little difference which is, no one is going to miss you." after those words I punched him in the face. A sweet one. His nose started bleeding. "Get him out." he groaned. His men tightened their grip around me "Wait, wait." I said and they stopped for a minute "I know my way out." I couldn't help but show the big smirk on my face. I was leaving now but soon I was going to return to Oscorp and destroy it. For that to happen I needed some help and I knew where to find it.

*Y/n pov*

I didn't heard from Harry all day. I understand that he is mad, but he could of called me. "So Y/n you are actually leaving?" Peter took me out of my trance "Huh?" I look at him "You're going to leave for that job you were offered in California?" he asked "Oh, yes." I say awkwardly "You're leaving only for the job, right? Not because you are mad at Harry?"

"Of course I'm leaving for the job." I lie straight to his face. "Okay then." he says and hugs me. I feel bad for lying to him.

*Harry Osborn's pov*

"We don't have time Max! Are you going to help me." I ask as men rush in the room. They grab me and I eleiroshock Max. He disappears. For a second my hope was gone, but it came right away after Electro killed all the men. He stood in front of me and asked "Give me one reason why I should trust you." he said "I need you." I say "Then let's go catch a spider."


Thanks to Electro not I only got into Oscorp, but got Manken to show me the secret place with the spider venom. Manken oped a fancy box on whitch it said 'Araneus Oscorpeus'. "Load one up." I said and put my gun against his chest. "It won work. We ran every diagnostic test apart of human trials." as he was loading it I put off my jacket "You're actually already run human trials. You're too stupid to know it." he turned to face me and I could see how scared he was. I loved it. "Do it. Now." as I say my hand that I was holding the gun with starts shaking. He doesn't wait for another order he injects the spider venom. I could feel it running through my vains. "You had it all this time." I laugh, but it wasn't funny no more. I could feel the effect of it and it was painful. My legs collapsed and I kneeled on the floor. Suddenly the room became so hot, so I ripped my shirt off. My screams filled up the room. I was sure that this was the end of me, but then I saw it.

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