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*Y/n's pov*

We enter Harry's room and I sit on his bed. "Do you want something for eating or drinking?" he asks. I was starving, not gonna lie. "No, i'm fine." as i say my stamach is whirring. "Oh come on Y/n from here I hear your stomach whirring." I roll my eyes and say "You don't hear anything. Will you live me alone please." he stays silences for a min, then he just leaves the room. When he is already out I stand up and look at the pictures on his bedside table. The first one is a picture of him as a child with his mother and father. The second one is Harry and Peter. Harry is very cute there. What am i talking about? He is not. I can't think anything sweet for him. He doesn't deserve it.

He enters the room with a food tray in his hands. "I told you, i'm not hungry." I sit back on the bed. "Who told you that this food is for you?" he says and puts the tray on his desk. That kind of hurt my feelings.

I pull my phone out of my bag and just scroll through instagram. I can feel his eyes creep on me. "Enjoying yourself there?" I ask without looking away from my phone. "Actually, yea!" he smirks. "Dickhead." I mumble under my breath. "What did you just call me?" he approaches me "That you are Dickhead." I look at him and smirk "Stop calling me that." he simply says "Or what? What are you going to do if I don't stop, you Dickhead?" I stand up and step closer to him. "Y/n, stop!" I step even closer to him. Our boddies are almost touching "Make me!" I smirk. "Sure about that?" with even bigger smirk he asks. "Yea, Dickhead!" I wink. He leans and just before he could kiss me I step back. "Did I scare you?" he laughes "No, you didn't. I just don't want to kiss you. I hate you, remember?" I can feel the awkwardness between us. "Why don't you eat your food, it's getting cold?" I say just to change the subject. "The food is for you." Harry scratches behind his neck "I told you I wasn't hungry." I lift up my shoulders. "You're lying to me." he turns and hands me the tray "I want to see you eat!" Harry sits next to me on the bed "Go on." he makes me a sign with his hand "Fine." I roll my eyes and start eating.

After finishing my food I ask Harry if i could use the bathroom. "Yea sure, you don't have to ask me." he says and I leave the room.

I go into the bathroom and lock the door. I leave my backpack on the ground and squat in front of the toilet. I help myself vomit all the food I ate. I wash my mouth and go out. I go down the stairs to the front door. I open the door just a little bit, but it closes. "Where do you think you're going?" Harry's voice scares me. I slowly turn around to look at him. The hand with which he closed the door is over my head and we are too close to each other. "Nowhere." I say without looking in his eyes. "Well, that's clearly." he laughes "Okay you caught me I tried to run away." I roll my eyes "Can you step back now?" he smirks "What's the magic word?"

"Please step back Harry Osborn." I say "Of course Y/n Stacy." he steps away. And only now that he's at a good distance from me, I realize I've held my breath. "We can watch a movie if you want?" he turns around and goes to his room. He doesn't even wait for me to answer "Dickhead." I shout after him and walk to his room.

I go in and see him lying on his bed with the remote in his hand. I sit next to him and reach out to take the remote. "Can you give me the remote?" I ask after he pulls his hand away "No you can't. I will choose what we are going to watch." he keeps scrolling on Netflix. "I'm a guest I choose." I try to pull the remote out of his hand once again. "My house I choose." As I try to steal the remote I lean over him. Our eyes are fix at each others. We both forget about everything. The world stop spinning for a moment. We don't care about anything. It's just us two.

But then the reality hits me and i pull the remote out of his hand "It looks like i'm choosing what we are going to watch." I laugh and sit next to him. "Yea yea, whatever." he rolls his eyes.

I put on Harry Potter. "You might don't like Harry Potter, but it's my comfortable movie, so we are watching it." I get under the duvet. "I feel like you're five-years-old kid." he laughes and gets under the duvet as well. "Shut up, it's starting!"

As the movie goes on we are talking about it. Harry asks billion questions about it and i answer them all, happy that he actually liked it. After the first movie is over we put on the next one. At this point Harry loves the Harry Potter movies.

"Harry." I say with grin on my face as the second movie is over "I'm scared of that look." he says "Why don't you take the "what hogwarts house am i in" quiz? " I say "Okay." he says not really wanting to take the quiz "I think you'll be in slytherin." I grab his phone out of his hands. My jaw hits the ground. No, no, that's not enough. My jaw falls and pierces the ground and comes out on the other side. I'm on Harry's wallpaper. "When did you manage to photograph me?" amazed I ask. "In the middle of the first movie. I can remove the picture if you want me to." he says "No, no problem for me." I say and open the test "Here." I return his phone.

Harry solves the test and turns out he's in slytherin. I knew it! It's really late already, but we decide to watch the third movie as well.

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