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*Y/n's pov*

I opened my eyes. It felt like I've been sleeping forever. It was hard for me to keep my eyes open. "She woke up." I heard Gwen's voice. Where was i? I saw my family. Gwen, Harry, Peter, mom, dad and my brother. "Hey Y/n." my little bro said. His voice was filled with melancholy and his eyes were red. In fact everybody's eyes were red. Have they smoked weed without me? "Hey guys." I said and smiled. I tried to stand up but i felt sharp pain in my stomach. "No no don't do that." my mother stopped me "I want to go home." I said once I looked around. I was in the hospital. It was a plain room with nothing interesting. Only the flowers that were on top of a armchair. "Do you remember what happened?" dad asked "Someone had shot you." he explained. Flashbacks of that night went across my mind. "You didn't tell them?" I tried to look at Gwen. She was looking very worried.

Harry was Harry again. No green goblin, but he looked very sick. There was a green mark on his forehead.

"To tell us what?" dad turned to face Gwen "Nothing." she said and looked at me. Her look was saying 'shut up'. "No no don't look at her like that. Tell us!" mother said "It was Harry." she said immediately. "What?" Harry and I said at the same time. "Have you lost your fucking mind? It wasn't him. It was..." as I was about to say 'you' dad interpret me "I'm arresting you." he looked deadly at him "It wasn't me." he said. "Ah." i screamed everybody looked at me "What happened?" Peter asked. I mouthed to Harry to run and so he did.

Dad ran after him, but luckily he didn't catch him. That day was the last day I ever saw him. I missed him every single minute. Sure not everything was bright and shine, but at least it was special. He made me feel okay about myself.

After my parents left and it was only Peter, Gwen and I in the room I said "Why did you lied?" I was fighting my tears "What was I supposed to say?"

"The truth. I wasn't going to sue you or something." I cried she looked angry as well. What was she angry about? Her stupid acts? I don't think so.

I didn't talk with anyone till Peter said "They got him." I didn't have to ask who, I already knew. That was the night I cried the most in my entire life. "They took him to ravenloft."

"Oh." was the only thing I said. Till this day I still regret not saying anything else. I could of told them so many things, but I never did.

After a month I was fully healed. Sure from time to time it hurt, but it didn't hurt enough so I don't run away. I actually don't know if it's running away. My family knew where I was going, but the thing that they didn't know was that I won't come back. Never! I needed space. Everything was coming at me and I felt like drawning. I should of at least say goodbye to them, but I didn't. Another regret of mine.

Anyway, I ran to California. I had a good job and I had found new friends. It looked like everything started to get better. I still missed them, though. Particularly Harry. I tried to lie to myself that I didn't love him no more, but deep down I knew the truth. I was scared for him. I didn't know what happened and what was going to happen to him. Would he die or live? I wish I have written to him before that phone call...

If you ever have told me that I would be doing drugs I would of laughed in your face. I wasn't expecting my life to go that way. I was leaving like a corpse. I wasn't eating enough and my bones were showing. I thought my life couldn't get any worse, but I was wrong.

I was sitting in front of my TV and I was sipping some whiskey. The news started and I was shocked with what I just saw. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I didn't halition because of the drugs I had taken earlier. The news anchor said "Harry Osborn died this morning in his cell. He died from the Osborn illness. His funeral will be this Saturday and is open to everyone." I closed the TV and ran to pack some stuff.

Of course I was going to go. Even though we didn't have the best start or end we had some good times. I owned him at least that.


I haven't been in my home city since five years. It felt strange coming back almost unreal. The weather was bad. It was pouring rain.

There weren't many people in the cemetery. Of course, I noticed Peter and Gwen sitting together under an umbrella. And she looked pregnant. It's a shame that I would never see their kid. I heard that they got married. Of course, they didn't invite me and even if they did I probably wouldn't have gone. They looked at me and I immediately looked away. It was awkward enough without having to deal with them.

The coffin slowly went down and they started burying him. At least it was raining so no one could tell that I was crying.

"Do you want to get out of here?" similar voice whispered in my ear. I turned slowly to face him. "Harry?" I gasped "Shh!" he pressed his index finger against my lips "But how?" I whispered "Let's get out of here and I will explain everything." 


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