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*Y/n's pov*

In the coffee shop, I sat with Peter and Gwen. We had time before our first class, so they decided to question me. They wanted to know all about the detention, how they locked us up, if I liked the boy.

"All right, stop, I've answered enough questions." I lean over to the table and said in a low tone "And I'm not spider-man, am I?" i smil and wait for Peter to respond.

"I think we should go back to school." he says and he's out of the coffee shop.

"He always does that!" Gwen says.

We leave after him, we cross the street, and here we are at school. We say goodbye to each other and I go to my locker. I open the locker door, and here you go again.

"How's my detention friend?" Harry leans on his locker with a smirk on his face. "How's my dad's favorite?" i smirk back at him. "I'm pretty good. Are you ready for todays detention?" He opens his locker and he pulls out his chemistry books. "I was born ready!" I close the door and head to the class.

"Hey, wait yesterday, I waited for you." He shouted after me and I stopped. "Now we can go." We walked into the classroom and sat down just as the bell rang.

Mr. Kevinson started teaching the lesson, and it's amazing how he didn't say anything about me.

As I take notes on the lesson, Harry pats me on the shoulder. The first few times I don't turn around but when he does it once again I get angry and turn  to face him.

"What again you Dickhead?" i whisper.

"Do you want to hang out after school? Mabe for a coffee?" he smirks and that makes me roll my eyes and turn around.

"I will take that as yes." he whispers in my ear. I don't know why but that sends shivers down my spine.

I don't talk to him again until the end of the school day. I go to my locker and put in my books. I close the locker door, and there he is, mister Dickhead.

"Ready to go?" he says and steps closer to me.

"I never said that i will come." i step back.

"Oh?" he puts his hand on my waist and spins me so my back hits my locker. "But you never said that you won't?" he smirks and puts his other hand next to my head.

"I don't like going on dates with self-obsessed guys." i wink at him.

"Ouch, that hurt me." he says sarcastically. I try to push him, but he doesn't moves at all. "You're into me." he says.

"You wish!" I roll my eyes and push him again this time he moves.

"See you on Monday." He sends me an air kiss and leaves.

For a few seconds, I stand there and try to figure out what just happened. It's a good thing that Gwen come and took me out of my trance.

"Y/n? Y/N!" she pats me on my shoulder.

"Huh?" i turn to face her "What Gewn?"

"Let's go home." she grabs my arm and pulls me outside.

As we walk home i tell her about how annoying Harry is.

"Haha, i can't belive he did that." she laughs.

"Hey, it's not funny." i say.

"Actually it really is."

I just roll my eyes and start walking faster.

After we get home, I walk into my room and drop my backpack by the door and enter the bathroom for a quick shower. After I go out, I put on my pajamas and lie on my bed. I take my phone and I see I have an Instagram notification. New follower.

"He can't be serious." i shake my head when i see who followed me. After less then a second i get a message.

Harry: Did you missed me ;)

Y/N: What do you want Harry?

Harry: If i'm being honest i want you.

Y/N: I want you to fuck off but see no one gets what they want ;)

Harry: Well i always get what i want.

Y/N: Not this time.

Harry: I will remind you of that once you are mine.

I can help but laugh about how much this guy belives in himself. I close my phone and leave it next to me on the bed. Then i just stare at the ceiling. I start blushing. Why this guy makes me feel this wat? My phone rings and i pick up.

"Peter?" i say.

"Y/n?" he says in sarcastic way.

"No, it's the president." i say sarcastically "How can i help you?"

"Tomorrow at 5:00 pm in our place by the river?"

"Sure i will be there."

"Good, come with Gwen i will introduce you to someone."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." i hang up.

Who's he going to introduce us to? I get out of my bed and go to Gwen's room.

I open the door without knocking and say without getting in. "Tomorrow at 5pm we are going to our place."

"Why?" Gwen closes her book.

"Peter will introduce us to someone."

"Who?" she sits in her bed.

"I don't know. I guess it will be the guy from Europe." i close the door and go back to my room.

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