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!Warning this chapter includes smut!

*Y/n's povs*

It was a long day at the amusement park. My beloveds and I almost died. Now Harry and I were about to walk in his house. "You sure everything is fine with you?" Harry stops in front of the front door. "Yes, I'm absolutely fine. Don't worry." I put a little kiss on his lips to calm him down. "A little bit hungry, though." I smile awkwardly. "Remember the pizza we never made?" he smiles "I guess we can now." he opens the door and we run to the kitchen.

We washed our hands and started preparing the batter. "Don't you dare!" I send a strict look at Harry. "Oops!" he smirks after grounding me with flour. "You shouldn't have done that!" I throw some flour at him back. His smirk disappears and our little fight begins. Soon after we are covered in flour from head to toe. He approaches me and pulls me closer by the waist. For a few seconds he looks me in the eyes. I could see so much passion and love in those grayish eyes. He leans over and he kisses me. Not one of those lustful kisses. With his kiss he showed me how much he loves me. I try to return the passion back. "What smells like that?" Harry pulls back "Shit! That's the pizza." I quickly go to the oven and take out the pizza. "Well, it isn't that burnt." I smile awkwardly and put one string of my hair behind my ear. "Should we drink wine with that?" Harry asks and I nod.

We sit on top of the kitchen counter. "That's quite nice." I take a bite from the pizza. Harry sends me a questionable look. "All right who am I lying to it's disgusting." I sip from the wine "Fuck the food, wanna go and take a shower?" Harry says with a big smirk on his face. "Sure!" as I say Harry jumps off of the counter. He holds me and carries me to his room. Then he helps me get rid of my clothes and he undresses himself as well. We walk into the bathroom while holding hands. After getting into the shower cabin he closes the door and I turn the water on. I close my eyes and let the hot water cover my body. Soon after I feel Harry's hands on my waist. He slowly presses me against the cold wall. His lips find mine and this time his kiss is full with need and passion. A slight moan escaped my mouth. Harry's lips curved into a smile from my moan. He bit my lips and then he continued with kissing my neck. He was leaving love marks all over it. He made his way to my cunt by kissing my torso down. He spreads my legs with his cold hands. That man's hands were always cold. He starts licking, kissing and suckling my place. My moans fill up the bathroom. I hope not the entire house. He insurts two fingers inside me. My moans got even louder which made Harry smile against my cunt. "I'm about to finish." my eyes roll to the back of my head.

After hearing that he stopped and got up. I gasped at his behaviour. His lips crashed into mine. Then Harry lifted me up and pinned me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He insurted his member inside me the he started pumping in and out of me. My moans were followed by his groans. I stucked my nails in his back leaving red marks behind. Soon after we both finished.

After we got out of the shower he helped me put on clothes. I was glad he wasn't the type of guy who cared only for taking off my clothes. Having sex with him was much mire than just sex. He actually made it clear that he cared. He has and interesting way of showing his love not that I complain, though.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" he lay down on his bed and I followed him. He coverd us with the blanket. He pulled me closer to himself and put a kiss on my forehead "I love you."

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