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*Y/n's pov*

I sit awkwardly on the dinning table next to Harry. My sister smiles from her seat in front of me on the other side of the table. My brother is sitting next to her and dad and mom on both sides of the table.

"Harry, would you like some more rice?" My mom reaches out and takes the rice tray. "Oh, no, I ate enough! I feel like I'm going to explode. It was so delicious, thank you." Harry smiles at my mum. "I think you should eat a little more, if you liked it so much." Dad tells mom to pour him even though he doesn't want it. "Oh, okay then, i will eat some more." Harry can't help but agree with them.

"So Harry tell me how's school going?" dad asks. "Pretty good. Actually Y/n and I are working on Chemistry project together." he responds. "Oh, really? Y/n didn't tell me that." my dad gives me an angry look. "Tell me about it, Harry!". Harry starts explaining. As he speaks, he puts his hand on my thigh. I look at him, but his face doesn't show anything, he doesn't even look at me. I remove his hand from my thigh, but he puts it back in place.

By the end of dinner, his hand didn't move from my thigh. I decided to just ignore it. We all moved into the living room. As much as I wanted to go to my room, my father insisted that I should sit with them in the living room. While my father and Harry were watching football I was reading a book trying to ignore their cries of joy when their team scored a goal. My sister and mom were talking to each other on the other side of the room. And my brother was sleeping in his room.

"Would you like a bear, Harry?" dad asks as the advertisements begin. I raise my head from the book to look at them. "No, sir, I don't drink and I'm driving." Harry politely refuses. "Good. Passed my test successfully!" dad smiles. "Wow!" It comes out of my mouth before I realize. Everyone turns to look at me. "Amazing writing here!" i smile awkwardly and rise the book. They turn to watch their job.

I'm in shock! First time someone passes my dad's test. I can't believe he liked Harry. "Would you like something else to drink?" dad asks again. "Water, would be nice." Harry responds. "Y/n!" dad says and I head to the kitchen. I take an empty glass and fill it with water. For a moment I wonder if I should put mouse poison inside. That would be way too much. So I just spit inside. I go back and pass the glass to Harry. "Here."

"Thank you." He takes the glass and smirks. I smile politley and sit in my seat. I continue reading my book.

After an hour the football match is finally over. "Thanks for having me." Harry shakes my dad's hand. "Thanks for coming." dad says "You're always welcome." mum smiles at him. "Y/n, why don't you accompany him to the car?" dad turns to me. "'Cause he knows very well how to get to his fucking car." I mumble under my breath. "I didn't hear you." father says clenched his teeth tightly "I said the pleasure would be mine." I put on slippers and walk out the door with Harry.

We get in the elevator and I press the puton for the ground floor. As the doors close he presses me against the wall. "I'd love it if you don't spit in my glass next time" he leans even closer to me. I try to push him but nothing happens. Before I can say anything the doors open and in front of us stays an old lady. Harry steps away almost immediately but not fast enough. The old woman smiles at us as we walk out if the elevator.

As we are in front of his car he turns to face me. I hit his chest. "Look what you have done!" i hit him again. "Hey, hey, clam down!" he grabs my hands "It's like you're not used to people thinking of us as a couple." he smirks. I pull my hands out of his grip. "Dickhead!" i shout at him and turn around, i walk as fast as i can towards the apartment. "Yea, i will miss you too, love!" he shouts behind me. "Oh, fuck off!" i raise middle finger up as i walk in the apartment.

*Harry's pov*

I wait for her to get in the apartment then i get in my car. I turn on the engine and drive off.

It was very nice to have dinner with the Stacy family. It felt almost like my own family. I haven't received any attention or interest from my father for a long time. A few tears rolled down my cheek. It's a good thing no one can see me crying. Tears are a sign of weakness no one should see my weak side.

*Y/n's pov*

I walk back in the flat just to see dad standing by the door. "I'm proud of you, Y/n." he says. I wasn't expecting that "What for?" i rise my eyebrows. "For being in a relationship with Harry and spending more time with him. He is amazing guy!" he smiles at himself. That was the drop that overflowed the glass! "Are you serious? I can't believe it! I can't fucking believe it!" Angry I run my hands through my hair "You are proud of me for the first time and for what!?" the other members of the family show their heads from their rooms. "You are telling me that you are proud of me because of a boy? A fucking boy?" i shout angrily "Watch your mouth!" He's trying to contain his anger. "Dad, why are you not proud of me? Of me as a person. Of the things I have done, only for you to be proud? I'm studying what you want me to study, I'm doing everything you want and you still aren't proud of me. Haven't I done enough for you? Will I ever be enough?" I burst into tears and quickly enter my room. I slam and lock the door. I sit on the ground and lean my back against the door. I bury my head in my knees and roar. I roar so loudly that I can barely hear Gwen trying to get into the room.

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