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*Third person's pov*

The Big Four are back together. They are going to the amusement park. The Stacy sisters are excited like little kids, finding it hard to stay in one place. The boys are just admiring them. Y/n finds it hard to believe that this is real, she is trying to get comfortable with the idea of being in a healthy relationship and actually being happy. She's scared that everything will end as fast as it started. Y/n tries to don't show it, she doesn't want to spoil everyone's fun.

"Hey, relax!" Harry hugs her from behind, he lays his head on her shoulder and kisses her neck. "What do you mean?" Y/n laughs "Oh come on! You can fool the others, but not me." he stands in front of her. "I'm OK, don't worry." Y/n flashes a quick smile at him. "Sure?" he looks at her very significantly "Yes!" she says and before Harry could reply Peter and Gwen come back with hands full with drinks. "Here!" Gwen hands her sister a cup full with beer "Thanks." Y/n smiles and takes a sip.

"So were are we going first?" Peter asks quite enthusiastically "Let's go to the roller-coaster." Y/n offers. The others nod and they head to the attraction.

Peter and Gwen sit together in front of Harry and Y/n. After the workers put their seat belts on, the roller-coaster takes off. Every one starts screaming. A few of them scream from joy and a few from fear. Y/n holds onto Harry's hand so tight that his hand turns red.

"Hey, would you like me to win a plush toy for you?" Harry asks as they come off from the roller-coaster. Y/n still dizzy only nods. Harry garbs her hand and they hurry to the next attraction.

Harry gets the shot gun from the worker and puts on the glasses he has been given. Before starting he winks at Y/n and then he shots all of the cans with ease. Y/n rolls her eyes and can't help herself but blush. As Harry gives the a big plush bear he has just won to Y/n he smirks. "It kinda looks like you." the girl says and her boyfriend raises an eyebrow "Don't look at me like that. I meant it's cute." she smiles and kisses him on the cheek.

"So were should we go next?" Gwen asks as Y/n and Harry finally make their way to them. "I feel like going to the ferris wheel." he twin replies "Ok, you and Harry go. Pete and I will wait for you here." Gwen says and holds Peter's hand "Why aren't you coming?" Harry asks "I have a phobia of heights." Gwen smiles awkwardly.

Y/n and Harry make their way to the ferris wheel. They sit down and pull each other close. The feeling is nice. They are with their favourite person and the view is superb. A nice sunset and warm breeze. They were on the top now and just before they were able to kiss a loud sound startled them. "What goes on?" Y/n screams, Harry pulls her even closer to himself and kisses her forehead. "I'm sure nothing serious." he trys to comfort her, but the Ferris wheel stops and the lights of the whole flooded park go out. More cries come from the crowd. "That's Electro!" says Y/n. She had seen him on the news. "We are going to die!"

"Y/n pull yourself together! Nothing will happen!" Harry tells her. "Look isn't that spider-man?" he adds. Y/n's face lits up a little bit. She is sure Peter would save them, but yet she is worried for her dearest friend. Electro is a big deal. "Everything will be fine." Harry rubs her back.

Electro ruins the park. The attractions are no longer staying on their feet. Only the ferris wheel was standing. He was slowly approaching it. Spider-man tries his best to stop him. The police arrive and try to help. While they are distracting him Peter gets the people off of the wheel.

Once Y/n and Harry are standing on their both feet, Y/n says "We need to find Gwen." she cries with her voice filled up with anxiety "I'm sure she is somewhere safe with Pete." Harry says while grabbing her hand "What if they lost each other in the crowd?"
Y/n choses her words carefully. Harry doesn't know that Peter is spider-man and he shouldn't know.

"I will call her." she pulls out her phone. But with a sigh she puts it back in her back pocket. "No signal, thanks to Electro."

They hold hands and run to Harry's car. He drives off as soon as Y/n closes her door. After getting away from the park Y/n checks her phone again. "I finally got signal." she says happily. She dials Gwen. Gwen answers her phone almost immediately. "Gwen are you all right? Where are you? Are you safe?" Y/n started asking her sister and only now she realised how much her sister meant to her. "I'm fine and at home, don't worry. How are you?"

Y/n doesn't realise that she started smiling "I'm OK and perfectly safe."
Y/n wanted to say that she feels safe only because she is with Harry, but she didn't. She felt like telling that to Harry, but she was doubting that idea.

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