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*Y/n's pov*

After yesterday's fight with my father, I didn't have breakfast with my family. Instead, I went to have breakfast with Peter and Aunt May. Aunt May always knows how to cheer me up.

"Peter, where are you going?" May asks as Peter heads to the washing machine. "To do my laundry?" he rises an eyebrow. "Give it to me I'll do it for you." She stands in front of him "I'm a big man I can do my laundry myself!"

"No, you can't. The last time you did the laundry, everything turned red and blue." She says and Peter says almost immediately "Yea, because i washed the American flag." I choke on the bite of a sandwich I chewed. "What? No one washes their American flag!" Aunt May looks at him in amazement "I do, but i won't anymore!" He says and leaves the room. "Boys." she sits on the kitchen island opposite me. "There's nothing they can do on their own without ruining it." she unfolds the newspaper that lay on the kitchen skirt.

"Y/n are you ready to go?" Peter returns to the room with his backpack ready to go to school. "Yea, i'm ready." I stand up and hug Aunt May. "Thank you very much, Aunt May." I run to the front door after Peter. Behind us we can hear May telling us to be careful.

My friend and I sit at the bus stop. "I can't believe what you did." I laugh "Did you seriously washed your suit along with the other laundry. And how on earth did you think of the American flag." The grimace that's on Peter's face makes me laugh even more. "Oh, shut up!" as he says the bus arrives.

I take my chemistry textbook out of my locker and after that I close it. "Oh, no you again!" I roll my eyes as I see that stupid face of Harry's. "So happy to see you, too." Mr. Osborn says and the bell rings. Together we walk to the chemistry room with quick steps.

"Oh, Harry,  welcome! Sit down." Mr. Kevinson smiles at Harry. "Oh, and you're here Y/n. Sit down faster you're a minute late." the teacher frowns. "So, I remind you of the projects, next week you should present them." he says as I sit in my seat.

Half the hour, everything is calm. Way too calm. Harry doesn't try to seduce me or give me notes. The teacher doesn't insult me for no reason. It's too good to be true. Yea, I opened my mouth too early. There is a loud bang from the corridor. It follows loud screams and running noise. "What's going on?" Mr. Kevinson stands up from his seat and sticks his head out of the room. "What the hell is that?" he screams and closes the door shut.
"What's happening?" Linsey stands up from her seat. Everyone else follows her example and stands up. "Everybody calm down! I'll go out and see what's going on. Do not leave the room before I return!" the teacher leaves the room before any of us can ask him questions. "Do you think, there is a school shooting?" Linsey approaches Harry and grabs him by the hand. "I don't think so. We'd hear gunfire if it was shooting." I say as i pack my things. We hear more crushing things and loud screams. A few students look out the windows "The police have come!" one of them says. Another student looks out the door. She quickly shuts it, trying not to make a sound. "There's a huge green monster here." she whispers. A few tears roll down her cheeks. "Everybody be quiet. It is in front of the door." she says. Everyone pulls out at the other end of the room and hide under the desks. I hide under the teacher's desk. I put my backpack on my back and I'm ready to run at any moment if it's needed. The door is ripped out of its place and with a bang hits the lockers outside the room. The scary monster enters the room. It looks around. Everything suddenly becomes very quiet. And then the desk above me goes up and bumps against the wall. I look up and feel paralyzed. I can't move out of fear.
"Y/n run!" the monster turns to the source of sound. When it turns its head, I feel hands grabbing and lifting me.

The person who picked me up runs down the stairs with all his might. I close my eyes and hug him tightly. I'm so scared that I'm shaking. I can feel us going out of the building. The person carrying me stops moving.
"Y/n you can open your eyes know." I hear this pathetically familiar voice. I open my eyes and quickly jump to the ground, out of his hands. "Oh, Y/n dear, are you okay?" My father runs to me. I don't respond, I'm still angry about yesterday. "Harry, I can't thank you enough for saving my daughter." My father hugs him and forgets about my existence. "No need to thank me, it was my duty to do it." Harry looks at me all the time. I roll my eyes at the way he looks at me. I turn my back to them. I let them have their moment. My father loves Harry more than he loves me, clearly. "Please take her home I have to go back to saving the other students." Dad says and without even looking at me he leaves.

"Let's go Y/n." Harry grabs my arm and pulls me. I don't move. "No need, I can go home by myself." I pull my hand out of his grip "You heard what your father said! If I don't take you home, Mr. Stacy won't be very pleased, don't you think?" He reaches out to grab my hand, but I pull away. "I don't care what he says. It's as pure as daylight that he doesn't care about me." I look at him angrily "Of course he cares about you." Harry responds "Then why didn't he hug me instead of you? He didn't even wait for me to answer his question."

"Are you jealous?" he laughs "No, I'm not jealous, but mom certainly should be." I say and start walking away from him. "Hey, Y/n calm down." he quickly catches up with me "Come on, I'll take you home." he insists "I told you I could go home alone." I roll my eyes "Okay, enough of it." He grabs me and lifts me up. "What the fuck?" i shout "Leave me, you freak! " I punch on his back. "Don't yell that much, people stare at us weirdly." he laughs and pulls out the key for his car "You think that's why they stare at us?" I hit him even harder. He opens the door and puts me inside the car. He quickly climbs in and locks the doors. "Open the fucking door." I try to open the door, but nothing happens (obviously). "I'm sorry, but I can't." he starts the car "I want to get off, I don't want to go home!" I yell at him. "All right, then I'll take you to my place." Harry says calmly. "No, take me to Peter's!"

"Can't do that." he looks at me as we stop at the red light "You have two choices, I'll take you home or my house. You choose!" hating every single atom of myself I say "Uh, well take me to your place."

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