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!Warning this chapter includes smut!
'Y/n's pov*

My phone vibrates and I take it from the nightstand. Harry has just sent me a message.

Harry: I'm outside. Come down, let's go on a date!

Y/n: Coming.

I smile as I put my phone down. I open my wardrobe and pull out a white T-shirt and a floral dress with thin straps. I put my hair in a ponytail and wear my converse shoes.

I get into Harry's car. I close the door and lean in for a kiss. "Hi." I smile "Hi." Harry starts the car and we drive off "Where are we going?" I ask "You will see."

After a ten minutes drive we arrive in front of a high flat. "What are we going to do here?" I ask confused "You will see." he gets out of the car and I follow him. He grabs my hand and we star going up the stairs.

We go out on the roof of the flat. Near the edge of the roof there is a picnic blanket. "Come on." he sits down "Wow." I say breathless "Do you like it." he opens a bottle of wine and pours in two glasses "Like? I love it. It's so beautiful here." I smile and take the glass that he was handing me. "I knew you'd like it." he pulls out two cigarettes and after lightning one of them he hands it to me "Thank you."

The sun was already setting. There was an amazing view in front of us. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" I say and turn to look at Harry "Yes, so beautiful." he says while looking at me in the eye.

I wish this moment could last forever. It is so beautiful in here, I'm with my favourite person. What else am I supposed to ask for? I guess I've finally found my happiness. For how long it's going to last I can't tell, but I hope it will last long enough.

We sat there until the moon rose in the sky, the wine bottle and the cigarettes were over as well.
"Why don't you stay at mine tonight?" Harry asks after we sit in the car. "I don't know what my father will say. I don't wanna argue with him."

"I can call him" he pulls his phone out of his pocket "Okay, let me tell you his number." I open my phone "No need." he already calls him "You have his number?" I laugh with irony "Of course. Mr Stacy and I are friends." he smiles. "Good night Mr Stacy." Harry says as soon as my dad picks up his phone "I'm fine thank you, how are you?" I roll my eyes because of the good relationships of theirs. I swear to God my dad prefers Harry over me.

"I was wondering if Y/n could stay at mine tonight?" Harry finally asks after good ten minutes of them just chatting "Okay, thank you. Good night." he hangs up the phone "So?" I ask "He said yes." Harry leans and kisses me "Good." I say and we drive off.

"Can you pass me the beer from the back seat?" he asks "Are you sure, you're driving?" I ask worried "It's fine. You can take one for yourself as well."

I turn around and stretch for two cans of beer. I open his and hand it to him "Thank you love." he takes it and drinks it in one breath "Hey, slow down." I take a sip "Can you give me another one?" he asks. I wonder for a few seconds, but in the end, I pass him another beer. "Here." he drinks that one slower.

Harry starts driving way too fast. I grab my seat tightly. I drink the beer left in one breath to relax. I open my window so the wind will come in and I turn on the music. Harry opens the other three windows as well. I stick out of the window. 505 is playing once again. One more memory that will come to my mind as I listen to this song.

We finally arrive in front of Harry's house. As soon as he turns the car off I sit on his lap. He looks at me confused. I start kissing him passionately. I try to take his jacket off but he stops me "Let's go inside first." he opens the door and we get out. He carries me to the front door as we are making out.

We go to his room and he locks the door. He leaves me on his bed and he gets naked. Then he helps me get undressed. He leans over and starts kissing my neck, leaving hickeys everywhere behind. Than he goes down to my place and starts licking and sucking my clit. "Oh my God." I moan "It's not God who shows you Heaven, I am." he kisses my belly. He stands up and pulls out a condom out of the nightstand. He puts it on and comes back to me. "Ready?" he asks and I nod "I want to hear you Y/n."

"Yes, I'm ready." I say impatiently "Okay then." he gets into me. He waits a few seconds for me to get used to his length. After that he starts slowly pumping in and out of me. After a few minutes he speeds up. We both become moaning messes. "Oh, Harry" I cry out of pleasure. I grab his back with both hands, leaving traces of my nails. The room is filled with heavy breathing, moaning and the creak of the bed. "You are mine." he whispers in my ear and bites it lightly. "Oh, yea." I arch my back. Harry puts his hands on my waist and holds me tight to the mattress. I pull his hair and moan. After a few more pumps I finish.

"My turn." I turn us around. Now I'm on top of Harry. I get comfortable and start jumping on him. "Y/n!" he moans. I lean over and kiss him, then I kiss his neck and leave a few hickeys. After a while he finishes as well. I get off of him and lay down next to him. He covers us with the blanket and pulls me closer to himself.

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