Ryujin X Yeji - Brownies (smut)

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POV | Yeji

"Ryu!" I yelled for Ryujin to come out from the kitchen. I had my eyes focused on the brownie batter I was making in the bowl and suddenly felt her embrace from behind. I smiled without my teeth, laying my head on the shorter girl's shoulder. Ryujin nuzzled my hair and sniffed the aroma, "Brownies and Yeji. Best smells ever," She gave kisses to my neck.

I loved the feeling of our bodies pressed together. I smirked, making a dirty joke, "They're both tasty too." Ryujin slapped my ass lightly and said, "Mhm.. you're right.." I leaned backed in her arms making her grab my boobs through my apron. I looked over, licking my lips, "I gotta finish this." Ryujin huffed, sticking her hands in my pants and panties, touching my wet pussy. I gasped, leaning forward to the shock as she played with my entrance with her two fingers. My hair fell forward, almost getting in the batter. I quickly used my hands to pull my hair up with the hair tie on my wrist.

This was just in a matter of seconds, remind you. I said, "Ryu.. get your fingers out of me... my batter is gonna get dry.." She pulled up my body with her other hand, "Work then babygirl." I opened my mouth, feeling her fingers fully thrust into me. They slipped in so easily. I snapped back into reality, "R-ryu-" She covered my mouth, whispering near my ear, "Who says that I can't finger you while you're making the brownies? Get to work." She gave another little slap to my ass.

My heart was beating so fast and I was under pressure so I whimpered and started mixing like she told me to. Ryujin pushed my clothing down so she could get easy reflex to finger me harder. I moaned when she began to do it faster. The clinch of her fingers hitting my insides gave me a weird spinning feeling in my stomach. She kept digging deeper, pressing my walls, and finding more spots to give me that feeling. As this was all happening, I, of course, had to finish mixing and lay out the brownies on a pan.

But I couldn't help but think I would be in trouble if I didn't. That sexy thought just kept proceeding to me tensing up. I felt like any moment I were to explode. And so then, I released tiny amounts of my liquids and started pouring the batter out. Ryujin bit my ear, "Hurry up." I clinched my teeth and moaned suddenly, almost dropping the bowl but not, and all because of Ryujin's new finger motion. I rolled my eyes back when she hit a particular spot. She perked her eyebrow, "Didn't think I knew that one, huh? I'll hit it there if you make me my brownies."

I gulped, thinking, her brownies? I told her that I was gonna make brownies because I was bored and so she went to lay down in our room but I asked her to come out to ask her what she thought. She ended up flirtatious so I joined in. Not expecting this happen. I finally finished pouring them out and she started fingering me in that spot. "Agghhhh~!!!!!" I moaned loud and looked back at her with wide eyes. Partly because I moaned like that and because her fingers were pumping faster than before. Ryujin grabbed an empty cup and held it under me as I came.

Ryujin smirked, "Fill it up baby." I opened my mouth in shock and then closed my eyes when I was feeling more pleasure. I felt so relaxed and pleased, it was the best feeling. Once I was done releasing, Ryujin took her fingers out and set the cup of my cum on the table. I gulped, pulling up my pants, and put the brownies in the oven before washing my hands since I still had batter on them. Ryujin licked my cum off her fingers before doing the same.

Once we were done, I took off my apron and took down my hair, sitting in a chair at the island. "You're not really gonna drink that, are you?" Ryujin sat down and grabbed the cup, taking a sip. I blushed immediately watching the white and sticky substance smear on her lips. I made that. She set the cup down, "I'm saving it for the brownies." She then licked her lips with a grin, "Very tasty. You were right." I gave a little giggle and looked away.

Ryujin then picked me up, putting me on her lap. I blinked and then laid comfortably with my legs at the side of the chair while hugging her. She grabbed my ass suddenly and squeezed it as I sat there for the time the brownies took for them to finish baking. I sighed, getting up, and getting the pan out and putting it in front of Ryu. I then sat back down on her lap. Ryujin was waiting for them to cool and rubbed my back, "Is everything okay?"

I nuzzled my head in her neck, "It's fine." She blinked, "Are you sure?" I nodded, "Yes." My girlfriend probably didn't believe me and if I were her, I probably wouldn't either. Which came to the conclusion that yes I was lying. She soon started eating them along with my fucking cum and said, "Do you want some brownies?" I shook my head, "I'm not so hungry, but you eat the rest." She raised her eyebrow, staring at me.

"What?" I blinked, looking at her. She pressed her lips together and looked down before eating another. I took a deep breath and just stayed there. Once she was done, she took me into our bedroom, and I laid next to her making her do the same. "You got quiet," She scooted closer to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder like couples do. I said, "Sorry.." Ryujin said, "N-no I meant like why did you get quiet..?" I turned over, staring ahead, "Didn't feel like talking, I guess." She used the hand that was over my shoulder and played with my hair, "Babe.. I know something is up."

I shrugged and didn't say anything. Ryujin got closer to my body and laid her head on mine, "You know I love you right?" I huffed, "Yes, I'm not stupid." She lifted up my shirt, massaging my side, "Okay, okay, you're not stupid, I know, I was just making sure. But uh you can talk to me.." I didn't respond because I didn't feel the need to. "Are you.. uhm.. have you been eating?" I got uncomfortable and leaned forward, "I wouldn't be alive if I didn't." My girlfriend sighed, "Yej.. you know what I mean."

"Just shush. I don't wanna talk about this." She bit her lip, "O-okay.." The girl finally backed off and stopped playing with my hair, however staying there and not moving. I chose not to intervene. So it was an uncomfortable awkward silence for atleast 2 minutes. Ryujin sighed suddenly and kissed my shoulder before scooting over to her spot in our bed. I looked down and got the feeling of wanting to just cry. I licked my lips, "Are you mad at me?" Ryujin looked back at me since she was turned over and said, "No, it's your choice if you want to talk to me, and I can't get upset at you for that."

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled. "For what? You didn't do anything," Ryujin says. I kinda gave another shrug and just went back to my spot. She didn't say anything after that until it was like 10 minutes later and which we had both gotten on our phones to make it as awkward, "I'm gonna go to bed.." She put down her phone. I leaned over and just hugged her tightly. I burrowed my head in her chest as she held me softly, "Don't go to bed yet, please." She played with my hair like always, "Okay, I won't."

I sniffled and mumbled, "You're so warm." She put her arms around me because she knew I wanted that. Ryujin softly said, "Tell me... I want to help you." I cried, "I just don't feel like I can eat.. I just feel so unworthy and like I don't deserve it. Hell I don't know why you even like me." Ryujin lifted my chin, "Baby, I like you, no, I love you because you're you. You always worthy to me and lovely. You're amazing. And I'm sorry love, I will do everything in my power to show you how worthy you are."

I cried harder, wrapping my arms around her neck, and landed my head in her chest. Ryujin snuggled me softly and sniffed my hair, "You're wonderful babygirl, I promise." I pouted, looking up at her. She gave a kiss to my pout and I blushed because we kissed. As weird as it sounds, we don't kiss that often. We're not the couple to be in each other's faces all the times even when we are like that. I think we try to make kisses special and not making it a normal thing because what if one of us is upset and we hug each other? It doesn't affirm like a kiss would.

I kissed her back but doing it longer and wanted the special feeling. Ryujin body was so soft and her hands were so gentle while caressing my skin. It was everything I could ask for. And I did feel special and worth. That's what she does for me. So from there on out, I listened to her and ate.

Author's note:


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