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I couldn't get the look in his eyes out of my head. There were shocked yet relieved at the same time. Those ocean blue eyes staring into my forest green ones as my sword pierced him through the chest. It was almost like he didn't feel the blade. I was frozen in shock when I met his eyes again after four year of believing he was dead. Now I have to get it into my head that he is alive as well as a vampire. The one creature we both despised. We always vowed to escape their city and kill them all.

Now, I was walking a little ways behind the rest of the Shinoa squad as they talked about everything that has just happened. I looked around and was about to tell them to go on without me, but decided not to when a flash of white disappeared around a pile of rubble to my right. Quietly, I snuck away from the others and rounded the boulder as silently as possible. I peeked around the corner and almost gasped when I saw that Mika's back just an arms length away from my hiding place. He wasn't alone though. The red haired vampire, the two girls that were with him, and the one with a ponytail was there too.

I thought of a way to try and get his attention, but started panicking when I heard one of them say that they should leave. I looked around the corner once more and found that Mika was starting to follow the others. Acting without a thought, I took hold of his cape and pulled him back, managing to cover his mouth with my hand before he could make a sound.

"Mika, it's me." I whispered and his body immediately relaxed as he turned his head to look at me, his blue eyes full of relief. "Meet me here tonight?" I asked.

He smiled before nodding. I smile back before letting him go so that he could catch up to the other vampires. He spared one last look at me before the five of them took off faster than I could process their actions.

I headed back to the rest of my squad to find Mitsiba, Shinoa, and Kimizuki speaking with Guren, and Shinya standing not too far away with Yoichi at his side.

Once I was within listening range, I picked up on what they were saying.

"-not, I will not have this happening again. It almost got myself and you guys killed." Guren stated.

I sighed as I realized that they were talking about me and the way I reacted when I saw Mika. My family. Guren glanced up and saw me. He sent a glare my way before turning in his heel and stalking off, Shinya following close behind with a smile on his face and words falling from his mouth like they hadn't just been lectured, once again, because of me.

Mitsuba and Kimizuki spotted me before the others and shot me a glare that I returned. Yoichi sent me an apologetic look as he saw the others glaring. Shinoa walked up to me and began lecturing me for putting them in danger before asking a questions I knew was coming.

"So who was that vampire? Why didn't you kill him? How did he know you?" She fired off immediately.

"Remember the family I told you about? From the orphanage?" I asked.

They nodded.

"Well, that was Mika. He was, is, my best friend. Always has been and always will be. He's the first family I've ever had. I thought he had died along with the others, but he didn't." I explained. "Sorry for getting you guys into trouble." I turned away. "I need to be alone."

I walked back to the place I spoke to Mika at just moments before and sat down, leaning my back against the boulder behind me, hiding me from the others. The sun was going down, casting an orange glow over the scene in front of me. I could hear the distant voices of my friends as well as the stray shifting of rubble in the distance.

I sighed and closed my eyes as the sun finally disappeared, leaving the moon and stars to light the oncoming darkness. When I opened my eyes again, I jumped at the sight of ocean blue ones right in front of me.

"Mika!" I exclaimed causing him to giggle lightly. "Make some noise next time. You scared me!"

"Sorry Yuu-chan." He apologized, smiling sheepishly before shifting to sit right next to me.

We sat in silence for a minute before the reality of everything hit and I threw myself onto Mika, my arms going around his waist as I buried my face into his shoulder. His arms went around my shoulders and squeezed me lightly, his head resting on mine.

"I missed you Yuu-chan." He whispered. I squeezed tighter. He moved me to where I was on his lap.

"I missed you too." I replied. I felt him plant a kiss on my head, making me snuggle into him even more if that was possible.

"I'm sorry Mika. I promise I won't leave you ever again." I muttered.

"It's alright Yuu-chan, I told you to go." He said before lifting my chin with his hand so I was looking right into his eyes. "But we are reunited now, so don't think about what happened in the past. Okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

We stayed together for a little while, talking about things that have happened in the past four years. Our moment was ruined by the sound of Shinoa and the others calling for me. I groaned and we reluctantly stood up to part. Before I could leave, Mika grabbed my hand and made me face him.

"I promise, we will be together again. Just like we were when we were younger." He said.

"I can't wait." I smiled back.

As the voices of the others got louder, Mika hesitantly let me go and took off in the opposite direction. I watched as he disappeared in the night.

We will be reunited again and next time, it will be permanent.

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