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The wind blew, throwing my damp hair into my face, an involuntary shiver racking my body. As I walked the streets, I was pushed and shoved by others who threw me disgusted looks. I kept my eyes on the ground as I turned into an alleyway that provided a small wind block. I curled up and shivered against the cold brisk of the building.

A group of kids walked by, talking and laughing together without a care in the world. I watch quietly, refusing to move in fear of what they could do to me. The boy in front laughed at something his friend did before his gaze fell on me. He stopped walking and stared at me for a minute.

"Hey man, what's going on?" One of his friends asked.

Another friend looked over at me. "Just leave him be, he's about to blow away with the wind anyway."

This makes the group laugh.

"Shut up." The first boy snaps at his friends before shrugging off his jacket. He approaches me slowly and wraps it around my shoulders before offering a small smile and turning away.

As they walk away, I hear the first friend begin questioning him while a third friend snaps about him losing his money.

Sighing, the boy turns on his friends. "Just leave it. It's not like my dad can't buy me another one anyway. Either way, he needs the money more than I do." Then he walks away, his group of friends following close behind.

I pull my arms through the sleeves and zip it up before pulling the collar up to my nose, breathing into it to try warming up. I caught a strong whiff of cologne and something sweet.

I sighed before stuffing my hands into the pockets, internally thanking him for the warmth. One pocket was empty, but the other was filled with something. I gripped it and pulled it out before a tear slipped down my cheek.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I whisper as the meaning of their conversation about money finally sank in.


"Mika, first day of school."

"Coming momma."

I finish changing before pulling on the black jacket with a small smile.

Ever since that night, I have sent a small thank you to some stranger that would never hear the eternal gratefulness I held for him.

After I found the money, I cried. For a long time. The next day I had walked around town and ended up buying something small from a store. On my way out, I was cornered by a group of guys with a bunch of piercings, tattoos, and heavily coated in the smell of smoke.

"Got yourself a lover now? You didn't have this last time we met." He grips the jacket with his iron grip and slams me into the wall.

I began to panic a bit before a black car stopped by the curb and a man with a silver ponytail climbed out of the driver's side.

"Hey what's going on here?" He asks.

"This doesn't concern you." The man pinning me growled.

"Actually, it kind of does. You are bullying someone who doesn't seem capable of defending themselves. Besides, I'm sure you know my kids. Lacus and Rene?"

The boy scoffs.

"They can't both be yours. They're dating." I feel his grip on me slacken.

"They aren't really related. They adopted, so, you can either let him go, or I can have a word with a few people at the school. I'm sure they'll love to hear about their star athletes ganging up on someone defenseless." He sighs, taps his chin in wonder, and moves his eyes to look at the sky. "I wonder what your classmates will think of you."

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