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"Mika! I have to tell you something!" Lacus exclaims as he bursts through the bar doors.

"If it's about that mystery black haired boy everyone has been talking about then I don't want to hear it. That is all I've heard all day and it's getting rather annoying." I retort as I finish wiping down the counter.

"But Mika, I've seen him and he is smokin hot if I do say so myself." He states happily.

"Lacus, you have a boyfriend." I point out.

"And I'm a looker. Rene knows that so it's fine. He wouldn't be able to get me to stop if he tried. I check out other guys, and sometimes girls, but they aren't as interesting. You already know what they have and most of them flaunt it. It's kind of annoying." He shrugs his shoulder as the bell over the door rings. "Speak of the devil and he shall appear." Lacus giggles as his boyfriend wraps his arms around his waist and places a kiss on the back of his neck.

"I'm surprised you can walk after last night." Rene mumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

"Likewise." Lacus smiles and kisses the black haired male.

I roll my eyes. "Can you guys not talk about your private activities in front of me. I really don't want to know what goes on behind closed doors."

"Why do you always sound so shocked? It's no secret to you. I mean, come on, we've been friends for 10 years. You're bound to hear about it sooner or later. Maybe even participate sometime." The purple haired man smirks.

"Ew, no thanks. And for your information, I would rather not hear about it every other day. Especially while I'm working."

"You're loss." He shrugs. "Oh well, I'll see you later." He then grabs Rene's hand and pulls him out of the bar.

I mix a few more drinks and fill some others before working on putting some things up for the night. Once everyone is gone, I lock the door and fall into one of the table chairs.

It's been three years since I opened this bar and it has gotten pretty busy within that time. I have three regulars. Ferid, Guren, and Lacus.

Ferid is a silver haired pervert with bright red eyes and hair that goes to his waist. He works as a defense attorney in Shinjuku but often stays home to do work unless the case has to go to court.

Guren is a former military Luetenant that fought in the battle at Nagoya 15 years ago. He is married to a doctor by the name of Shinya Hiragi.

And Lacus... is Lacus. There is nothing much to him. A former college student that fell in love with a man that took a day to lecture his class on human anatomy and they have been together ever since. That being four years.

I'm a 24 year old that graduated high school, completed two years worth of college, and lives in the upstairs apartment of my bar. My mother wasn't very fond of it at first but she warmed up to it after a while. She doesn't come around much since she lives in Nagoya but she visits every once in a while.

I love working here, but it gets a little overwhelming sometimes. Fridays and Saturdays are the worst but it still isn't super busy compared to other bars in my area. But, since I'm the only one that works here, it gets difficult when I receive more than 30 customers at a time.

I stood up from the chair and shut off the lights before heading upstairs towards my living quarters. I washed my hands in the sink, changed for bed, and climbed under the covers. I pulled out my phone and got on Instagram. I scrolled through the pictures for about five minutes before closing the app. Turning off the screen, I put it in the charger and set it on the nightstand.

Tomorrow is Friday. It is also one of my busiest days. It's tempting to pull an all nighter so tomorrow will come slower but I knew that it would weaken my performance. I had to sleep no matter how much I didn't want to.

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