Headphones and a Bus Ride

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I climb the steps and slide into the seat I always occupy. My headphones are on my head and music is filling my ears as the other kids fill up the seats in the back. I watch as a few classmates find a seat, most of them ignoring me but some offering a wave, head nod, or occasional smile.

Eventually, I see my neighbor getting on and taking his place in the seat across from me.

He just moved this year. He is generally quiet, mostly keeping to himself. He has a feminine stature with light hair and soft blue eyes. His name is Mikaela. He has just started riding the bus this week since his mother took him to school last week. He seemed tense for most of the ride, but I never payed attention to it. Not until today at least.

Right before the bus left, my friend, only friend, climbed on and sat in the seat next to me. I moved the left side of my headphones back so my ear was exposed and I could hear what he was saying.

"Ready for the three day weekend?" He asked in his usual monotoned voice.

"Yeah, it'll be a nice break, especially from Hiragi's class. I swear that man hates my guts." I reply.

He hums as the bus starts pulling away from the school. "Are we still hanging out the weekend?"

"Yep. Unless that boyfriend of yours decides to tag along." I joke.

"Hey, Lacus isn't that bad. He's just hyper all the time."

"And loud." I add.

He sighs before agreeing. We were silent after that.

I listened half-heartedly to the conversation of the other students, feeling a bit repulsed at their topic of conversation.

"Are they always this bad?" I ask.

Rene shakes his head. My eyebrows furrow as I catch sight of the blonde in the seat across from us.

He gripped his bag like a lifeline, his eyes squeezed shut. With every vulgar sound or exclamation that sounded from the back of the bus, he flinched.

Rene followed my line of sight. "Do you think he's okay?"

I shake my head, unsure of what to do. I watched him, unable to look away from his seemingly frightened form.

Then, a tear slipped down his cheek.

He's crying. I couldn't stand when people cried, no matter if it's a stranger or someone I know.

"Let me up." I tell Rene. He complies with slight confusion.

I step over him, bag in hand. I slip into the seat next to the blonde. He looks up at me with wide, teary eyes. Those in the back make more sounds and comments, causing him to squeeze his eyes shut again. Cautiously, I put my arm around his shoulders in a feeble attempt at comforting him.

After thinking for a minute, I take off my headphones and put them over his head. The sudden sound of music makes him jump. He sits, staring blankly in wonder at the sound filling his head. Another round of noise comes from the back and he flinched slightly.

Not wanting to turn up the music and hurt his ears, I turn to Rene. "Will you do something about them?"

"What I am going to do? Start a fight?"

"No, tell them to shut up or something. The whole school knows about your middle school reputation. No one wants to get on your bad side. They'll listen to you if you raise your voice just a bit louder than normal." I explain.

"I would, you know I would, but I already have too many red slips for busses. I don't need another one because I was being too loud."

I sigh before turning to the kids in the back, completely at a loss.

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