Small Spaces

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(Mika's POV)

"Fine I'll go!" The raven exclaims, standing up from his spot next to me and grabbing his car keys. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He directs the phrase at me more than the others, but they don't catch on.

As soon as the door is closed, the game starts again.

"Alright, Yoichi, truth or dare?" Mitsuba asks.

"Dare." He replies oddly confidently.

"I dare you to text your crush." She smirked evilly.

He turns bright red before slowly pulling out his phone. He taps the screen many times before finally sending his message. After a few minutes of nothing happening, he lets out an audible sigh and puts his phone away.

"Who was it?" Shinoa asks.

"She only said to text my crush. I don't have to tell you who it is." He retorts matter-of-factly.

She pouts playfully before telling him to choose someone.

"Um, Shinoa, truth or dare."

"Dare!" She exclaims enthusiastically.

"I dare you to call your crush."

I sigh, getting bored with the game. Why do they all want to know about each other's crushes? It's not important until the two get together anyway.

Without hesitation, the lavender haired girl whips out her phone and puts the call on speaker. Not a minute later, another phone in the room starts going off. Suddenly, Mitsuba's face turns bright red, causing Shinoa to start laughing.

"Who would've guessed?" Kimizuki asked sarcastically.

I laughed a bit at his statement, silently agreeing with him.

When Shinoa was done having her fun with Mitsuba, she turned to me. "Mika, truth or dare?"

I shrug.

"Come on, you have to answer or suffer the consequences."

I shrug again, not really caring about the game.

She pretends to be disappointed before picking up the hat full of consequences she had written down before and shoved it in my direction.

"Pick!" She demands.

I roll my eyes, sharing a look with the pink haired male across from me before pulling out a slip of paper.


"Lockdown?" I question, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

"Aww, I was hoping Yuu would draw that one." She pouts. "Oh well, let's go!" She yells happily as she pulls me up from my place on the floor and drags me towards the hallway.

"Wait, what does lockdown mean?" I ask.

"Exactly what it says." She grins evilly as she opens the closet door in the hallway.

Before I could fully decipher what the word meant, I was shoved inside before the sound of something being put up against the door left me speechless.

I shakily put my hands out to either side and freaked out when I realized that what she really meant was that you were to be locked in a dark closet for who knows how long.

I begin to panic and start wiggling the door handle. "Shinoa, let me out!" I holler, fighting to keep my voice steady. I hear her laugh before she responds.

"Nope, you have to stay there until Yuu gets back."

Now, I am panicking.

Who knows when he'll be back and I left my phone out there with the others because I didn't have time to grab it before she pulled me away so I had no way to contact him and get him here fast.

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