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The wind blew hard, the lights flickering a little before calming down again. The blanket is pulled up to my nose, leaving only my eyes and above exposed. Shuffling in the other room left me wondering what Yuu was doing.

Before I could holler for him, the power went out for good this time.

"Couldn't have picked a better timing could you?" I heard Yuu call from the other room.

I giggled as a shiver made its way up my spine. Pulling the blankets tighter around my small frame, I curl up into a ball and hide my whole head under the blanket.

The bed dips down behind me, signaling that Yuu is finally coming to bed.

I feel the warmth of his body press against my back as his arm snakes around my waist in a caring fashion. I push back against him, trying to bring in more of his warmth without seeming too needy. I hear him laugh lightly.

"Cold, love?" I nod. "Let's see if I can fix that."

His hand travels from my waist to my legs that are still curled up to my chest. He straightens them out gently before tangling his legs with mine, pulling my body tighter against his.

"Working yet?"

"No." I mumble.

He sighs, his lips gently touching the back of my neck before his hand pulls at the hem of my shirt.

"Yuu?" I ask.

"It's alright. I want to try something Yoichi sent me earlier." He replies.

I turn around to face the raven haired male with a curious expression. "Not that I don't trust him, or you, but what is it?"

"It was just a small article of the fastest ways to warm someone up and one of the ideas was skin contact." I looked down at his hand, still holding the hem of my shirt, and held it in my own.

"I don't think this will work." I mutter, causing him to chuckle.

"Of course not because not enough is touching."

I gasp, slightly afraid. "You don't mean-"

"No, of course not. I just mean that if we have more skin touching, even just our upper half, we would warm up because we would be sharing our body heat.

Still unsure about his proposal, he kisses my head. "How about you put on a button up and just leave it unbuttoned."

After a minute, I nod, agreeing to his proposal.

"Alright, give me a second. I want you to take off your shirts though."

He limbs out of the bed, his previous warmth being replaced immediately by the chill of the room. I begin to slowly strip off the sweater I had on as well as my shirt as Yuu climbs onto the bed again, this time completely shirtless with a piece of white clothing in hand.

Once my initial clothes were off, he threw the new shirt around my shoulder, adjusting it as I pushed my arms through the sleeves. Finally, he lays on his back, gently pulling me down with him with a small smile. I lay my head on his shoulder, my torso pressing against his side as he brings the blanket up over our bodies.

I folded my hands against my chest, tucking my chin in so my hands were hiding in the place between my throat and chin. I feel his body shake in silent laughter before his arms encase me into a warm hug, pulling me into him even more as his legs interlocked with mine once again.

"Are you warming up?" He asks.

I hum, cuddling closer to him. He gently strokes the hair on the nape of my neck, making me shiver.

"I love you." He whispers as I start drifting off to sleep.

"I love you too." I mumble, barely able to form coherent sentences in my sleepy state.

He laughs softly. "Goodnight, my angel."

I nuzzled into his shoulder with my nose before sleep fully took over.

Mikayuu OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now